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Australian Country Magazine Issue#16.7 November 2013 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Only €4,99
In our next issue of Australian Country we are gearing up for the festive season, with our setting the scene feature dedicated to an outdoor cocktail party. We’ll be bringing you a gorgeous photo essay inspired by a bush Christmas and a lovely cool Yule feature about a family living in a Georgian townhouse in Kent, England. On the road back in Australia, we meet Perth hills artist Liz Dumont at her historic home and studio and learn about living more sustainably in a strawbale house at Gemalla near Bathurst, NSW. Our travel feature takes us trekking at Arkaba in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges, while our producer profile heads to Queensland’s Lockyer Valley where Mary Hayes runs Vitulus lowline cattle stud. Our fashion story has a nautical bent and we go off the rails with TV host and railway buff Scott Macgregor at Ruwenzori, his retreat in the bush in Mudgee, NSW. Chief cook Sue Stadler rolls out her favourite asparagus recipes and we bring you some inspirational and aspirational ideas for remodelling your kitchen as well as loads of decorating and collecting ideas.
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Australian Country

Issue#16.7 November 2013 In our next issue of Australian Country we are gearing up for the festive season, with our setting the scene feature dedicated to an outdoor cocktail party. We’ll be bringing you a gorgeous photo essay inspired by a bush Christmas and a lovely cool Yule feature about a family living in a Georgian townhouse in Kent, England. On the road back in Australia, we meet Perth hills artist Liz Dumont at her historic home and studio and learn about living more sustainably in a strawbale house at Gemalla near Bathurst, NSW. Our travel feature takes us trekking at Arkaba in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges, while our producer profile heads to Queensland’s Lockyer Valley where Mary Hayes runs Vitulus lowline cattle stud. Our fashion story has a nautical bent and we go off the rails with TV host and railway buff Scott Macgregor at Ruwenzori, his retreat in the bush in Mudgee, NSW. Chief cook Sue Stadler rolls out her favourite asparagus recipes and we bring you some inspirational and aspirational ideas for remodelling your kitchen as well as loads of decorating and collecting ideas.

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Issue Cover

Australian Country  |  Issue#16.7 November 2013  

In our next issue of Australian Country we are gearing up for the festive season, with our setting the scene feature dedicated to an outdoor cocktail party. We’ll be bringing you a gorgeous photo essay inspired by a bush Christmas and a lovely cool Yule feature about a family living in a Georgian townhouse in Kent, England. On the road back in Australia, we meet Perth hills artist Liz Dumont at her historic home and studio and learn about living more sustainably in a strawbale house at Gemalla near Bathurst, NSW. Our travel feature takes us trekking at Arkaba in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges, while our producer profile heads to Queensland’s Lockyer Valley where Mary Hayes runs Vitulus lowline cattle stud. Our fashion story has a nautical bent and we go off the rails with TV host and railway buff Scott Macgregor at Ruwenzori, his retreat in the bush in Mudgee, NSW. Chief cook Sue Stadler rolls out her favourite asparagus recipes and we bring you some inspirational and aspirational ideas for remodelling your kitchen as well as loads of decorating and collecting ideas.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Australian Country is a bi-monthly magazine for the family member who enjoys the finer things in life: making a home for their loved ones, antiques and collectables, looking at sprawling country homesteads and relaxing on the verandah with siblings, children and grandchildren. Our magazine reflects this, with beautiful photographic spreads of home interiors and exteriors and tips on perfecting the interior of your home, including an array of delicious recipes.

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Australian Country Issue#16.7 November 2013.

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Australian Country 27.1 27.1 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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Australian Country 26.2 26.2 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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Australian Country 25.2 25.2 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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