Aviation News  |  July 2013
In this 84-page issue of ‘Aviation News incorporating Classic Aircraft’ magazine we look at the latest upgraded version of the US Air Force’s biggest airlifter - the C-5M Super Galaxy. We also cover another famous Lockheed aircraft with a report on the final airworthy Electra in Europe leaving for its new owners in Canada, Buffalo Airways which has come to wider attention thanks to the TV series ‘Ice Pilots NWT’. Another article hears the inside story from a former boss of an RAF Buccaneer squadron detailing the unit’s exploits while he was in command. We have another installment of our occasional series looking at what’s happening at important heritage aviation airfields, this time we have all the latest news and what aircraft are based at North Weald.
In this packed issue there are also articles on what it is like to fly in a World War Two Mustang with US company Stallion 51, a profile of Stockholm’s main airport, Arlanda and from our ‘Tales from the Logbook’ series a look back at a trip around North America in 1986 using an Air Pass. We also detail one of the strangest shapes in the sky, Eurocopter’s hybrid helicopter which is called the X3 and have a photo spread of some rare National Air Force of Angola aircraft seen recently.
This month’s ‘Room with a View’ features a hotel with great views of aircraft at London Stansted Airport. Not forgetting our regular sections among which is the worldwide airshow calendar of events as well as the latest civil, military and heritage aircraft news, plus much more…
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