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AW Specials Magazine BOL 13 Marys Peters & Rand Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Athletics & Running)
British Olympic Legends: AW has created a series of booklets celebrating every British Athletics Olympic gold medallist since 1948.

Each bookazine contains 20 pages of profiles, iconic photos and stats.

– Daley Thompson, Sally Gunnell, David Hemery, Kelly Holmes, Ken Matthews, Don Thompson, Ann Packer, Allan Wells, Chris Brasher, Tessa Sanderson, Steve Ovett, Christine Ohuruogu, Lidford Christie, Mark Peters, Mary Rand, Jonathan Edwards, Denise Lewis, Lynn Davies, Men’s 4*100m and Seb Coe

Who knows who may get added to this list in 2012!

AW has and always will be at the heart of athletics, dedicated to promoting the No.1 Olympic sport, its clubs, coaches, volunteers and athletes.

Every Run, Every Jump, Every Throw.
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AW Specials

BOL 13 Marys Peters & Rand British Olympic Legends: AW has created a series of booklets celebrating every British Athletics Olympic gold medallist since 1948. Each bookazine contains 20 pages of profiles, iconic photos and stats. – Daley Thompson, Sally Gunnell, David Hemery, Kelly Holmes, Ken Matthews, Don Thompson, Ann Packer, Allan Wells, Chris Brasher, Tessa Sanderson, Steve Ovett, Christine Ohuruogu, Lidford Christie, Mark Peters, Mary Rand, Jonathan Edwards, Denise Lewis, Lynn Davies, Men’s 4*100m and Seb Coe Who knows who may get added to this list in 2012! AW has and always will be at the heart of athletics, dedicated to promoting the No.1 Olympic sport, its clubs, coaches, volunteers and athletes. Every Run, Every Jump, Every Throw. EVERY WEEK

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AW Specials  |  BOL 13 Marys Peters & Rand  

British Olympic Legends: AW has created a series of booklets celebrating every British Athletics Olympic gold medallist since 1948.

Each bookazine contains 20 pages of profiles, iconic photos and stats.

– Daley Thompson, Sally Gunnell, David Hemery, Kelly Holmes, Ken Matthews, Don Thompson, Ann Packer, Allan Wells, Chris Brasher, Tessa Sanderson, Steve Ovett, Christine Ohuruogu, Lidford Christie, Mark Peters, Mary Rand, Jonathan Edwards, Denise Lewis, Lynn Davies, Men’s 4*100m and Seb Coe

Who knows who may get added to this list in 2012!

AW has and always will be at the heart of athletics, dedicated to promoting the No.1 Olympic sport, its clubs, coaches, volunteers and athletes.

Every Run, Every Jump, Every Throw.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
AW, the UK’s No.1 magazine for track & field, cross-country and road running, generally regarded as the bible of the sport, has created a series of bookazines and booklets celebrating the Greatest Olympic sport and its athletes, packed full of profiles, iconic photos and stats.

Greatest Games Ever – AW’s review of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games, the build-up, the atmosphere and the legacy. How each gold was won and the stars of the games Ennis, Farah, Rutherford, Ohuruogu, Grabarz, Bolt, Pearson, Rudisha, Eaton, Spotakova plus much more. (164 pages)

Great British Runners – The greatest British middle distance runners: inc. Roger Bannister, Seb Coe, Steve Ovett, Kelly Holmes and many more! (164 pages)

Great Marathon Runners – The greatest marathon runners of all time: inc. Paula Radcliffe, Great Waitz, Steve Jones, Haile Gebrselassie, Ron Hill and many more! (164 pages)

The Greatest Olympic Athletes - The greatest Olympic athletes as voted for by you!. Inc. Carl Lewis, Irena Szewinska, Michael Johnson and many more! (164 pages)

The Greatest Show on Earth – How the games were won, look back at 1948, interview with UK’s Head Coach Charles van Commenee, Overseas & UK contenders, keys head-to-heads and British Golden legends since 1948, Olympic and Paralympic records. PLUS AW’s Olympic Event planner and guide (164 pages)

British Olympic Legends: a series of booklets celebrating every British Athletics Olympic gold medallist since 1948. (20 pages each)
– Daley Thompson, Sally Gunnell, David Hemery, Kelly Holmes, Ken Matthews, Don Thompson, Ann Packer, Allan Wells, Chris Brasher, Tessa Sanderson, Steve Ovett, Christine Ohuruogu, Lidford Christie, Mark Peters, Mary Rand, Jonathan Edwards, Denise Lewis, Lynn Davies, Men’s 4*100m and Seb Coe
AW has and always will be at the heart of athletics, dedicated to promoting the No.1 Olympic sport, its clubs, coaches, volunteers and athletes.
Every Run, Every Jump, Every Throw.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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All the booklets and Bookazines are just magic, great pictures. Recensito 14 giugno 2012

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