Bass Player UK  |  117 May 2015
You need bass. We need bass. Everybody needs bass, including the mighty Paul Weller, perhaps the best-known British rock star to feature on BGM’s cover in our 117-issue, 13-year career to date. Laying down the bass parts on his new album himself, but looking to a trustworthy pair of hands to execute said parts live, Weller knows he’s on safe ground with Andy Lewis, himself a composer and producer of no little renown. In our cover interview with Lewis we go beyond the low frequencies to find out what it takes to back a musician like Weller, a fixture in rock history since the 1970s.
Other treats for you in this soaraway issue of Britain’s only print magazine devoted to the bass include interviews with Jamiroquai’s Paul Turner and John Lodge of the Moody Blues; a look behind the scenes at Aguilar’s Brooklyn HQ; a chat with Super Furry Animals bassist Guto Pryce; and sit-downs with session star Tanya O’Callaghan and We Are Harlot’s bass-wielder Brian Weaver. In the reviews section we renew our vow to cover all the basses (ahem), with a range of killer gear (and budgets) from a £4950 Williamscot, via a £2500 Rickenbacker and a £700 G&L, all the way down to a £339 Cort. Tuition? You’re in the right place, with the world’s best-known bass educators guiding you through the techniques and tips you’ll need to become a successful bass player.
Does it get better in bass world? We think not. Dive in, and we’ll see you in June!
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