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Digital Camera User Magazine BDM's Photography Masterclass Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €9,99
Premium Special Edition. Over 190 pages of high quality content. 100% Independent.

There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera, you need a good understanding of the fundamentals. This guide is designed to introduce you to the main technical aspects of shooting digital and get you more familiar and comfortable with the core concepts that are the foundation of great photography.
Then we will take you on to more creative subject matter with a series of easy to understand guides, projects and tips to really get you inspired and take your photography to the next level. More than that, we want you having a fun learning experience as we take you, step-by-step, through BDM's Digital Photography Masterclass.

Contained within this guide are a wide selection of guides, tips and projects to push you and your camera to the limit. The subjects covered include:
Types of digital camera
Exposure and metering
Shutter speed and camera shake
Aperture and depth of field
Focal length and zoom
White balance
Black and white shooting guide
HDR photography
Infrared photography
Custom bokeh
Cross-polarisation photography
Off-camera flash
Shooting modes
High-key mono portraits
Rural and natural landscapes
The blue hour and night time
Portrait photography tips
Setting up a home studio
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Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages Digital Camera User Preview Pages

Digital Camera User

BDM's Photography Masterclass Premium Special Edition. Over 190 pages of high quality content. 100% Independent. There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera, you need a good understanding of the fundamentals. This guide is designed to introduce you to the main technical aspects of shooting digital and get you more familiar and comfortable with the core concepts that are the foundation of great photography. Then we will take you on to more creative subject matter with a series of easy to understand guides, projects and tips to really get you inspired and take your photography to the next level. More than that, we want you having a fun learning experience as we take you, step-by-step, through BDM's Digital Photography Masterclass. Contained within this guide are a wide selection of guides, tips and projects to push you and your camera to the limit. The subjects covered include: Types of digital camera Exposure and metering Shutter speed and camera shake Aperture and depth of field Focal length and zoom White balance Black and white shooting guide HDR photography Infrared photography Custom bokeh Cross-polarisation photography Off-camera flash Shooting modes High-key mono portraits Rural and natural landscapes The blue hour and night time Portrait photography tips Setting up a home studio

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Issue Cover

Digital Camera User  |  BDM's Photography Masterclass  

Premium Special Edition. Over 190 pages of high quality content. 100% Independent.

There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera, you need a good understanding of the fundamentals. This guide is designed to introduce you to the main technical aspects of shooting digital and get you more familiar and comfortable with the core concepts that are the foundation of great photography.
Then we will take you on to more creative subject matter with a series of easy to understand guides, projects and tips to really get you inspired and take your photography to the next level. More than that, we want you having a fun learning experience as we take you, step-by-step, through BDM's Digital Photography Masterclass.

Contained within this guide are a wide selection of guides, tips and projects to push you and your camera to the limit. The subjects covered include:
Types of digital camera
Exposure and metering
Shutter speed and camera shake
Aperture and depth of field
Focal length and zoom
White balance
Black and white shooting guide
HDR photography
Infrared photography
Custom bokeh
Cross-polarisation photography
Off-camera flash
Shooting modes
High-key mono portraits
Rural and natural landscapes
The blue hour and night time
Portrait photography tips
Setting up a home studio
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Digital Camera User takes high quality, high production professional content and their top team of industry experts to produce the ultimate photography magazine. Each issue is packed with unbeatable hands on shooting guides and practical user tutorials and projects, building up to become the essential reference guide for all core areas of digital photography. Digital Camera User is the perfect title for both amateur photographers and those long standing fanatics looking to enhance their skills, so don’t miss out! Subscribe today! Please note: ALL free content and gifts are also available via this digital edition.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great magazine full of tips Recensito 22 gennaio 2023

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