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Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine Issue 34 Edizione posteriore

18 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Only €7,99
Simon Ellar has had the opportunity to interview the legend, John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman, whilst having lunch in his home, courtesy of Mrs. Wiseman; read about the life of this survival expert in this rare interview.

This issue also brings you further wild and random escapades with our wild food expert, Fergus Drennan, and plenty of bushcraft projects, including: How-to make wooden spatulas and spoontulas, Tackle-craft – how-to make wagtails, cane-minnows and the lethal quill-minnow or make your own budget fishing gear. Have a go at making a sling shot with Jason Ingamell’s step-by-step guide and carve a wooden knife.

Learn about our native owls and tips to get close to them. Don’t miss the hot log technique, where Dale Collette demonstrates how you can keep warm as the cold weather approaches, plus natural navigation techniques, courtesy of the animals. And, of course, there is so much more...
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Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine

Issue 34 Simon Ellar has had the opportunity to interview the legend, John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman, whilst having lunch in his home, courtesy of Mrs. Wiseman; read about the life of this survival expert in this rare interview. This issue also brings you further wild and random escapades with our wild food expert, Fergus Drennan, and plenty of bushcraft projects, including: How-to make wooden spatulas and spoontulas, Tackle-craft – how-to make wagtails, cane-minnows and the lethal quill-minnow or make your own budget fishing gear. Have a go at making a sling shot with Jason Ingamell’s step-by-step guide and carve a wooden knife. Learn about our native owls and tips to get close to them. Don’t miss the hot log technique, where Dale Collette demonstrates how you can keep warm as the cold weather approaches, plus natural navigation techniques, courtesy of the animals. And, of course, there is so much more...

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Issue Cover

Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine  |  Issue 34  

Simon Ellar has had the opportunity to interview the legend, John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman, whilst having lunch in his home, courtesy of Mrs. Wiseman; read about the life of this survival expert in this rare interview.

This issue also brings you further wild and random escapades with our wild food expert, Fergus Drennan, and plenty of bushcraft projects, including: How-to make wooden spatulas and spoontulas, Tackle-craft – how-to make wagtails, cane-minnows and the lethal quill-minnow or make your own budget fishing gear. Have a go at making a sling shot with Jason Ingamell’s step-by-step guide and carve a wooden knife.

Learn about our native owls and tips to get close to them. Don’t miss the hot log technique, where Dale Collette demonstrates how you can keep warm as the cold weather approaches, plus natural navigation techniques, courtesy of the animals. And, of course, there is so much more...
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Knowledge is power, contained within the pages of each issue you will find a wealth of articles written by experts, taking you on a 'bushcraft adventure' even when you can't get to the woods!

Bushcraft Magazine is a valuable resource; enhancing your existing knowledge, teaching new skills, answering questions, and keeping you up to date with courses and equipment suited to bushcraft use. There are Regular and Feature Articles on subjects such as Tracking, Canoeing, Knives & Axes, Foraging for Wild Foods, Camp Skills, Fire Lighting, Navigation, Knots, First-aid and Surviving in the Wild, alongside 'How to...' articles, and our ‘Bushcraft on a Budget’ series, both showing readers how to make their own kit, and, projects that use natures resources.

There are Book, Course and Kit Reviews to help you select and buy wisely. The News and relevant adverts detail what’s happening and where to go for training and kit.

Interest in bushcraft is at an all time high, its profile being raised by the popularity of programs from the likes of Ray Mears, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Mykel Hawke and Cody Lundin. All of whom we work with and feature in the magazine.

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Basato su 18 Recensioni dei clienti
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Very Good Bushcraft Advice

Very Good Bushcraft Advice Recensito 21 agosto 2022

Articoli in questo numero

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