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Canal Boat Magazine Oct-24 Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Sailing & Shipping)
Only €5,99
Leading the news this month, a breach on the Lancaster Canal has closed a length to navigation. This is followed by more excellent photographs from our readers. The Boat Test features an electric Hire Boat from Trinity Boats which is followed by a piece on Toddbrook Reservoir repairs. Next, we have our Cruise Guide which is Part 1 of a 2-part feature on the Shropshire Canal and the Cruise Guide extra which follows is all about the canal system of East Shropshire that were built for tub-boats. We then have a boating holiday on the Lancaster Canal and the next part of the ongoing boat restoration which is followed by our final feature, Part 2 of Tom Rolt – Narrowboat Man.
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Canal Boat

Oct-24 Leading the news this month, a breach on the Lancaster Canal has closed a length to navigation. This is followed by more excellent photographs from our readers. The Boat Test features an electric Hire Boat from Trinity Boats which is followed by a piece on Toddbrook Reservoir repairs. Next, we have our Cruise Guide which is Part 1 of a 2-part feature on the Shropshire Canal and the Cruise Guide extra which follows is all about the canal system of East Shropshire that were built for tub-boats. We then have a boating holiday on the Lancaster Canal and the next part of the ongoing boat restoration which is followed by our final feature, Part 2 of Tom Rolt – Narrowboat Man.

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Launched in 1996, Canal Boat magazine has been a trusted resource of information and inspiration for decades. Proud to be Britain’s best inland waterways magazine, the publication is essential reading for all canal boat enthusiasts. With one eye on British waterways and the other firmly focused on supplying you with advice to enhance every adventure - Canal Boat magazine is the dependable compass that will help you make the most of every trip.

Essential reading for canal connoisseurs of all skill levels, Canal Boat offers their incomparable advice to help you optimise your experience. The editing team are passionate about boating, waterways and the fulfilling lifestyle that is synonymous with life on the water.    

Featuring up-to-date news and reviews of boats, regular updates on the latest canal restorations and eye opening insights from their liveaboard diaries - a Canal Boat digital magazine subscription will ensure that you are well-informed, fully equipped, and suitably prepared every time you take to the water.

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