Classic Military Vehicle  |  War and Peace Revival Special
There are no prizes for guessing what the theme of this
month’s issue is. Yes, the War and Peace Revival. In
the past, War & Peace coverage has been spread out over
several issues but, with the advent of W&PR, we thought
we’d try something different and offer it up in one big
helping. Of course, in future issues we’ll still be offering
in-depth features on individual vehicles such as Rick
Wedlock’s ‘best-in-show’ Cromwell and Mick Wilson’s
Brockway C666, so don’t despair that they’ve only a
passing mention here.
While at W&PR it was heartening to receive such good
feedback about the magazine. Paul Hazell’s Project ACRT
series is going down well (so well that we’ve given him a
month off; he’ll be back in the next issue) and the features
we do on restored vehicles seem to be hitting the spot. A
reader came up to me at W&PR and said that although he
didn’t think that his restoration efforts could ever reach
the standard of some of the vehicles we feature, just
seeing what was achievable encouraged him to keep on
trying. Then just a few hours later I was talking to a very
experienced and capable restorer who remarked that it
was those same features and photos of completed vehicles
that he saw every month in CMV that kept him plugging
away on projects when things weren’t going to plan or he
was skinning his knuckles in a freezing cold garage over
the winter.
That’s really the whole point of such features and you
can rest assured that there are more coming along to
encourage and inspire.
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Come abbonati riceverete i seguenti vantaggi:
• Uno sconto sul prezzo di vendita della rivista
• La vostra rivista viene consegnata ogni mese sul vostro dispositivo
• Non perderete mai un numero
• Siete protetti dagli aumenti di prezzo che potrebbero verificarsi nel corso dell'anno
Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Classic Military Vehicle abbonamento alla rivista.
Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.
Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Classic Military Vehicle War and Peace Revival Special.