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Women's Interest

Closer Magazine

51 numeri all'anno   |  English
8 Recensioni   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Celebrity)
From €1,96 per numero

Closer magazine combines all the latest celebrity gossip with health advice, beauty and diet tips and more - the perfect weekly dose! Packed full of both the most controversial dramas from the ever-growing world of celebs and relatable real-life stories, Closer magazine is here to ensure you’re always the first in the know with the latest gossip and advice!

With a Closer digital magazine subscription never miss out on the current beauty trends, health and diet advice, exclusive stories, the controversy between the stars, the latest soap spoilers and fashion trends. Whether you’re looking for the latest predictions for the Eastenders story line, who has had the biggest botox fail, or suggestions to kick-start a healthy diet, a Closer magazine subscription can provide it all -  straight to your device!

Join the thousands of current readers with a digital subscription to Closer magazine today - the ultimate glossy for all your gossip needs!

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1118 Closer dives into the heart-wrenching stories of split torment, holiday showdowns, and explosive love affairs. From Strictly drama to royal scandals, this issue is packed with jaw-dropping revelations and exclusive pics.

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Singolo numero digitale 1118
2,49 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale €99,99 fatturati annualmente
€1,96 / edizione
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€2,35 / edizione
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Ottenere accesso illimitato a Closer e oltre 600 altri grandi titoli. Rinnova a €11,99 / mese dopo 30 giorni. Annulla in qualsiasi momento. Ulteriori informazioni
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Closer  |  1118  

Closer dives into the heart-wrenching stories of split torment, holiday showdowns, and explosive love affairs. From Strictly drama to royal scandals, this issue is packed with jaw-dropping revelations and exclusive pics.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Closer magazine has been at the forefront of celebrity gossip for over 10 years. It’s the perfect balance of compelling real-life stories, clever commentary, glamour columns and lifestyle advice - making it the ultimate choice for the modern day woman.

Each week, you'll receive the inside-goss to answer all of your burning questions - Who’s the latest celeb breakup? Will X-Factor ever make a real come-back? Is there a diet that works? Who’s on the next series of ‘I’m A Celeb’? What new skincare should you be trying out?

Closer magazine is now able to offer it’s loyal subscribers a digital magazine subscription, so you can ensure you’re the first to get all the inside scoop, wherever you are! Whether you’re laying by the pool on holiday, passing the time at the hairdresser's, or looking for a talking point in the office, a Closer magazine digital subscription is here to fill those voids and keep you up-to-date.

A Closer digital magazine subscription is a must-have gossip and glamour magazine, enjoy:

  • The latest celebrity gossip
  • All the inside scoop on scandals between the stars
  • Health and lifestyle advice to keep you at your best
  • Beauty tips so you’re always ahead of the trends
  • Fashion articles to keep your style fresh
  • Compelling real-life stories
  • Delivered direct to your device every month

Riceverete 51 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Closer abbonamento alla rivista.

Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.

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Basato su 8 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Great to finally have the mag available on my iPad! Recensito 20 marzo 2014

Love having Closer on my iPad!

Now I can read my favourite magazine without trekking to the shop! Looks really beautiful - will be buying every week Recensito 17 marzo 2014

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Closer 1118.

Closer 1117 1117 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1116 1116 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1115 1115 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1114 1114 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1113 1113 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1112 1112 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1111 1111 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1110 1110 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1109 1109 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1108 1108 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1107 1107 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1106 1106 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
Closer 1105 1105 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
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