Coast  |  No.85 A new life by the sea
Welcome to our Craft Special. In the age of mass production, it’s refreshing to see our magazine full
of unique, handmade items: from vases and delicate silverware, to wooden chairs and tables. With more and more people seeking out individual and environmentally friendly options, we are celebrating a craft revivial! As the daughter of a potter, whenever I uttered the words ‘I’m bored,
Mum,’ I was always handed a lump of clay and told to ‘make something’. Watching the television or playing on a games station just wasn’t an option, and I am sure this was the starting point for a career rooted in creativity. If you make coastal crafts, or have a go at any of the ideas in this issue,
please do post photographs of your handiwork on our facebook page. If you want to meet some of the craftspeople featured in this issue or buy an original piece for your home, take advantage of the reader offer on pg 20 and join us at the MADE craft fair in Brighton at the end of November
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Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Coast abbonamento alla rivista.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Coast No.85 A new life by the sea.