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Countryman's Weekly Magazine 18th January 2023 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Inside this issue...

Making the right choice

Like buses… they all come at once!

Fieldcraft and tracking in the snow

Flanking the Frenchman was a new experience

DIY medical treatment of dogs

Is your working dog tax deductible?

Leon Robinson – a sad loss to the Sporting Lucas Terrier World

Fishing the waters of the Wye and Usk – Part one

All this and loads more, including news, reviews, competitions, plus your letters and pictures.
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Countryman's Weekly

18th January 2023 Inside this issue... GUNDOGS Making the right choice WILDFOWLING Like buses… they all come at once! FIELDCRAFT Fieldcraft and tracking in the snow SHOOTING Flanking the Frenchman was a new experience LURCHERS DIY medical treatment of dogs MIXED BAG Is your working dog tax deductible? OBITUARY Leon Robinson – a sad loss to the Sporting Lucas Terrier World FISHING Fishing the waters of the Wye and Usk – Part one All this and loads more, including news, reviews, competitions, plus your letters and pictures.

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2,49 / issue
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Countryman's Weekly issue 18th January 2023

Countryman's Weekly  |  18th January 2023  

Inside this issue...

Making the right choice

Like buses… they all come at once!

Fieldcraft and tracking in the snow

Flanking the Frenchman was a new experience

DIY medical treatment of dogs

Is your working dog tax deductible?

Leon Robinson – a sad loss to the Sporting Lucas Terrier World

Fishing the waters of the Wye and Usk – Part one

All this and loads more, including news, reviews, competitions, plus your letters and pictures.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Written by enthusiasts for their fellow enthusiast, The Countryman’s Weekly is the national countrysports magazine, released every week to keep you up to date on the seasonal sports and the need-to-know topics sweeping across the countryside. From hunting season to falconry and trapping to gundogs - there’s something for everyone enjoying life in the countryside.

Every issue of The Countryman's Weekly is packed full of articles written by experts in their field whether that’s gundogs, lurchers or terriers, deer stalking, wildfowling, shooting, trapping or pest control and much more. There's also countryside news, hearty recipes and fantastic competitions to keep you and your young ones busy every week. There’s no better way to stay in the know on all things surrounding rural life and sport.

With a multitude of unmissable weekly features that are both topical and seasonal, with past topics including vermin control on chicken farms, why maize is integral to pigeon shooting, the reason hunting should never be banned and meeting the staff and students of rural colleges. 

Whether you’re into game hunting and want to find the canine companion that’s just right for the job of retrieving or you’re more interested in what’s happening at the forefront of fish-farming and its essential conservation, you’ll find all this and more in your digital magazine subscription for The Countryman's Weekly - download the latest edition to your device today to find out everything you need to know, every week.

A digital magazine subscription to The Countryman's Weekly is your go-to for all things countrysports and country life:

  • The UK's biggest selling weekly countrysports magazine 
  • Covers a wide range of countryside pursuits including lurchers, terriers, ferreting, gundogs, gamekeeping, shooting, hunting and fishing
  • Extensive coverage of the best country shows and game fairs, wholesome recipes and fantastic competitions 
  • Written by enthusiasts and experts in their field for fellow enthusiasts
  • Delivered directly to your device every week

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Countryman's Weekly 18th January 2023.

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