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Custom Car Magazine No.529 Z Alert Edizione posteriore

23 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
Here at CC towers we endeavour to bring you coverage of major events in double quick time whenever possible. The
Grand National Roadster Show closed its doors to the public just five days ago as I’m writing this, and our show report is
already laid out ready to go to press.
When going through the write up Rusty sent through I did, however, have to double check one of the details – the winner of the America’s
Most Beautiful Roadster award. Personal preferences aside, and taking nothing away from the build quality of the car, as far as I’m concerned
it has one basic flaw – it’s not a roadster! Amazingly, this wasn’t the only non-roadster in the line up of cars vying for the coveted award, turn to
page 37 and have a look for yourselves. Maybe it’s just me being picky, but I do feel the contenders in a competition for roadsters should be just
that, roadsters. To me, it’s as much a sin as Justin Bieber being referred to as a drag racer, but what do I know?
Back to reality, the good news on these shores is that when this issue hits the newsstands there will be just 16 days before the NSRA Swap
Meet is upon us. A day to catch up with old friends and make new ones, buy those parts you’ve been dreaming of for months and move on
some of those parts you bought last year but have since realised you will never actually use. We will see you there but, if you can’t make it
don’t worry, you will be able to read all about it next month. I told you we endeavour to bring you event coverage as soon as we can.
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Custom Car

No.529 Z Alert Here at CC towers we endeavour to bring you coverage of major events in double quick time whenever possible. The Grand National Roadster Show closed its doors to the public just five days ago as I’m writing this, and our show report is already laid out ready to go to press. When going through the write up Rusty sent through I did, however, have to double check one of the details – the winner of the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster award. Personal preferences aside, and taking nothing away from the build quality of the car, as far as I’m concerned it has one basic flaw – it’s not a roadster! Amazingly, this wasn’t the only non-roadster in the line up of cars vying for the coveted award, turn to page 37 and have a look for yourselves. Maybe it’s just me being picky, but I do feel the contenders in a competition for roadsters should be just that, roadsters. To me, it’s as much a sin as Justin Bieber being referred to as a drag racer, but what do I know? Back to reality, the good news on these shores is that when this issue hits the newsstands there will be just 16 days before the NSRA Swap Meet is upon us. A day to catch up with old friends and make new ones, buy those parts you’ve been dreaming of for months and move on some of those parts you bought last year but have since realised you will never actually use. We will see you there but, if you can’t make it don’t worry, you will be able to read all about it next month. I told you we endeavour to bring you event coverage as soon as we can.

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Issue Cover

Custom Car  |  No.529 Z Alert  

Here at CC towers we endeavour to bring you coverage of major events in double quick time whenever possible. The
Grand National Roadster Show closed its doors to the public just five days ago as I’m writing this, and our show report is
already laid out ready to go to press.
When going through the write up Rusty sent through I did, however, have to double check one of the details – the winner of the America’s
Most Beautiful Roadster award. Personal preferences aside, and taking nothing away from the build quality of the car, as far as I’m concerned
it has one basic flaw – it’s not a roadster! Amazingly, this wasn’t the only non-roadster in the line up of cars vying for the coveted award, turn to
page 37 and have a look for yourselves. Maybe it’s just me being picky, but I do feel the contenders in a competition for roadsters should be just
that, roadsters. To me, it’s as much a sin as Justin Bieber being referred to as a drag racer, but what do I know?
Back to reality, the good news on these shores is that when this issue hits the newsstands there will be just 16 days before the NSRA Swap
Meet is upon us. A day to catch up with old friends and make new ones, buy those parts you’ve been dreaming of for months and move on
some of those parts you bought last year but have since realised you will never actually use. We will see you there but, if you can’t make it
don’t worry, you will be able to read all about it next month. I told you we endeavour to bring you event coverage as soon as we can.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Launched in 1970, Custom Car is the UK’s original modified motoring magazine.

A leading magazine for all things in the customised car world. Custom Car is still the best magazine to bring you the latest round-up of custom cars, hot rods and street machines making waves in the custom car scene around the world.

From low budget traditional hot rods and customs to hi-tech street rods and 250mph drag strip pounders, the expert team of writers bring together event coverage, technical articles, project cars, news and reviews and feature cars every month.

Find out how some of these amazing creations have been put together, the latest goings-on at the heart of the UK drag-racing scene and what else is going on in the world of modified cars.

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Basato su 23 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great Mag

Get to the heart of the UK drag-racing scene Recensito 21 agosto 2022

Custom Car

Greetings from Finland. Wartsika Gassers car club.
Excellent magazine : Harry
Recensito 28 luglio 2020

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