The Yorkshire Dalesman  |  Oct 2015
In October's Dalesman:
• Orange county: Helen Johnson visits Jason Butler’s East Riding pumpkin farm
• Wild at heart: Ruth Campbell meets a globe-trotting filmmaker who says the beauty of the Dales is unsurpassed
• Tet and his jackdaws: Chris Bye recounts the tale of a feathered Yorkshire legend
• The innocence of children: Former school inspector Gervase Phinn on the funny things they say
• A craven legacy: Victoria Benn visits a Dales school with a very long history
• Fantastic follies - the leech house: Adrian Braddy discovers the curious story behind a distinctly unusual building
• Painting the Wolds Way: Andrew Gallon visits the studio of talented York artist Peter Miller
• Plus puzzles, recipes, walks, cartoons, reviews, nature, news, events and much more.
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Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno The Yorkshire Dalesman abbonamento alla rivista.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Yorkshire Dalesman Oct 2015.