DIVER  |  December 2011
In the December issue of DIVER:
Mauritius - entertaining eels and tickling titans
St Abbs - why Simon Morley loves living around here
Red Sea Tek - move your diving up a notch on a Red Sea holiday
Wreck Tour - The Neotsfield, Irish Sea U-boat victim of WW1
Ocean Giants - persistence pays for whale- and dolphin-stalkers
Diver Awards - It's time to have your say
Finning Backwards - the technique that proved popular at TekCamp
JJ-CCR - tested and the market assessed
Mantastic Macro - using the right lens?
Favourite Kit - cave-diver Martyn Farr explains his choices
Antarctica - daily diving under the ice
Keith Tibbetts - would Stuart Philpott get lucky on Caymans wreck?
PLUS: First In. Off-Gassing. News. Beachcomber. Blackford. Trewavas. Reviews. What's Bubbling. Diver Tests. Just Surfaced. Deep Breath.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in DIVER December 2011.