Dogs Monthly  |  January 2012
We have a fascinating feature in this issue by Colin Tennant, principal of the Cambridge Institute of
Dog Behaviour & Training. Colin has been psychologically profiling different types of dog owner and believes that it’s often only when you understand an owner’s beliefs, motivation and lifestyle that you can help with behavioural issues in their dog. So what kind of owner are you? Turn to page 50 to find out!
This month we’re also aiming to get across a very important message: ‘Say NO to sticks’. Hayley Reed’s heartbreaking account (p16) of the horrific injuries caused to her Border Collie Penny by a thrown stick should leave you in no doubt about the dangers.
Also this issue: car phobia; canine cancer; home alone; commercial pet food choices; neurological disease; agility for beginners; dealing with pet bereavement; and stopping problem barking and digging.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dogs Monthly January 2012.