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Family & Home

Edition Dog Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
From €2,50 per numero
Edition Dog Magazine is the UK's number 1 magazine for a holistic approach to dog health, wellbeing and nutrition. Our monthly magazines are full of in-depth features focusing on your dog's health and wellbeing. All our features are written by professionals and experts so you can make informed decisions for your dog.

Dog health & wellbeing is extremely important and your dog’s health deserves the same amount of attention and care as any other member of the family. We take a holistic approach to dog health, wellbeing and nutrition so our readers can make informed choices on caring for their dog.

Edition Dog’s mission is to excite, inspire, educate and deliver knowledge which encompasses a complete look at dog health, wellbeing and nutrition. To provide the reader with in-depth information and guidance to make informed decisions regarding their dog’s health and wellbeing.
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Edition Dog

Edition Dog Issue 69 Contents Chew on this: Catch up on the latest news from the dog world. Building the blocks of communication The shape of trauma Pipeline of Behaviour Never too Late Release the Fear Fluid Intake and Hydration in Dogs FIRST AID - Dehydration RECIPE: Frozen Hydration Treat for Dogs. HEALTH FOCUS: Alabama Rot BREED FOCUS: The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever The Key. The Secret. Edition Dog Live A legacy of compassion A DOG’S LIFE podcast Dog Training & Games: Introducing dogs to each other - setting them up for success! The Importance of Hydration What’s all the fuss about freeze dried dog food? Pooch Products + More

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€3,49 / edizione
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Issue Cover

Edition Dog  |  Edition Dog Issue 69  


Chew on this: Catch up on the latest news from the dog world.
Building the blocks of communication
The shape of trauma
Pipeline of Behaviour
Never too Late
Release the Fear
Fluid Intake and Hydration in Dogs
FIRST AID - Dehydration
RECIPE: Frozen Hydration Treat for Dogs.
BREED FOCUS: The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The Key. The Secret.
Edition Dog Live
A legacy of compassion
A DOG’S LIFE podcast
Dog Training & Games: Introducing dogs to each other - setting them up for success!
The Importance of Hydration
What’s all the fuss about freeze dried dog food?
Pooch Products
+ More
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Edition Dog Magazine is the UK's number 1 magazine for a holistic approach to dog health, wellbeing and nutrition. Our monthly magazines are full of in-depth features focusing on your dog's health and wellbeing. All our features are written by professionals and experts so you can make informed decisions for your dog.

Dog health & wellbeing is extremely important and your dog’s health deserves the same amount of attention and care as any other member of the family. We take a holistic approach to dog health, wellbeing and nutrition so our readers can make informed choices on caring for their dog.

Edition Dog’s mission is to excite, inspire, educate and deliver knowledge which encompasses a complete look at dog health, wellbeing and nutrition. To provide the reader with in-depth information and guidance to make informed decisions regarding their dog’s health and wellbeing.

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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Very interesting

Great reading for all fans of canines Recensito 20 maggio 2022

Always a good read

Excellent value for money Recensito 04 settembre 2019

Best available

The only credible dog magazine available with well researched referenced articles mostly written by professionals. A good mix of advice and lifestyle articles . Really enjoy it. Recensito 22 agosto 2019

Always a great read

Best in class Recensito 24 luglio 2019

Canine delight

Really interesting Recensito 20 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Edition Dog Edition Dog Issue 69.