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Family & Home

Exhibition Poultry Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
From €3,66 per numero

Dedicated to promoting the exhibition of poultry across North America - Exhibition Poultry gives farmers, breeders, and birders eye-opening insights into the intriguing world of competitive poultry showcasing.

Exhibition Poultry magazine provides poulterers of all experience levels with a wide selection of articles covering all aspects of competitive breeding. It features guidance, advice, tips, and more to assist breeders and competitors in their pursuit of poultry exhibition success. With show results and event details included in every issue, Exhibition Poultry gives readers behind-the-scenes access to a community that appreciates the particular personalities of all types of poultry.

Released six times a year, an Exhibition Poultry digital magazine subscription includes features on showing, breeding, raising and conditioning to ensure that breeders and competitors have all the tools they need and enthusiasts have all the information they could want.

Progress your competitive poultry pursuits with an Exhibition Poultry digital magazine subscription!

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Exhibition Poultry Magazine Preview Pages Exhibition Poultry Magazine Preview Pages Exhibition Poultry Magazine Preview Pages Exhibition Poultry Magazine Preview Pages

Exhibition Poultry Magazine

EPMag Issue 13.6 November/December 2024 There are so many shows going on right now, and so many new exhibitors, but most have plenty of experience with years of breeding, conditioning and exhibiting poultry. Four years ago when everything was shut down for the ‘pandemic’ who would have thought that exhibiting our birds would recover to this extent and the shows would once again be fun, well attended and thriving. I love the excitement in the air that the Fall shows bring. As I write this, The Ohio National is having a record show yet again. I wish I was there but the timing always seems off for us to aet away from home for the full week that it would require is just not do-able at this me. So, for now, we stick close to home, as we have for the last few years, do our best to attend as many shows as possible, but mostly depend on our readers to keep us abreast of the happenings in their sec- ons of the country.

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Singolo numero digitale EPMag Issue 13.6 November/December 2024
3,49 / issue
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€3,66 / edizione
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Exhibition Poultry Magazine  |  EPMag Issue 13.6 November/December 2024  

There are so many shows going on right now,
and so many new exhibitors, but most have
plenty of experience with years of breeding,
conditioning and exhibiting poultry. Four years
ago when everything was shut down for the
‘pandemic’ who would have thought that
exhibiting our birds would recover to this extent and
the shows would once again be fun, well
attended and thriving. I love the excitement in
the air that the Fall shows bring. As I write this,
The Ohio National is having a record show yet
again. I wish I was there but the timing always
seems off for us to aet away from
home for the full week that it would require is
just not do-able at this me. So, for now, we
stick close to home, as we have for the last few
years, do our best to attend as many shows as
possible, but mostly depend on our readers to
keep us abreast of the happenings in their sec-
ons of the country.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Created in correspondence with the ABA (American Bantam Association) - Exhibition Poultry is a trusted resource of insight and information that can benefit farmers, breeders, competitors, and enthusiasts alike. Released every other month, the digital pages of Exhibition Poultry magazine feature details of upcoming events, results of the latest competitions, and much more to guarantee that the interests of poultry purists are catered to every time a new issue lands on your device.

Focused primarily on birds raised and kept for show purposes, Exhibition Poultry takes a deep dive into all categories and breeds to ensure professionals and fans are always kept up to date with the practices, rules, and regulations that have to be met from show to show. All the birds featured in Exhibition Poultry are recognised by the American Poultry Association in their American Standard of Perfection and by the American Bantam Association in their Standard.

Whether you are a breeder, a birder, a farmer, or are interested in competing in poultry exhibitions for the very first time - an Exhibition Poultry digital magazine subscription is sure to supply you with all you need to take your poultry passion to the next level.

Climb up the competitive pecking order. Download the latest issue to your device today!

Advance your poultry exhibition endeavours with an Exhibition Poultry digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each informative bi-monthly issue:

  • The latest poultry exhibition news
  • Practical guidance
  • Helpful advice
  • Competition results
  • Breeding, raising and conditioning instructions
  • Exhibition details
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

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