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Dolls House World Magazine Issue 342 Edizione posteriore

31 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Only €6,99
Getting away on holiday is not easy at the moment, so this issue we bring you some great destinations where you can relax in miniature.
You can take it easy, and enjoy the island life, sitting in the rocking chair on Inger Henriksson’s verandah. When you need a bit of activity you can work on the doll’s house being put together inside.
If that she shed is a bit rustic for your taste, then relax in a modern setting that is the complete opposite. Kristine Hanna has created a split level patio retreat, complete with swimming pool and ample space to stretch out on the elegant loungers.
Or how about visiting a Cordoba courtyard decked with flowers? You really will feel like you’re in Spain. Lillian Miller was inspired to create the scene after seeing a photo of a flower festival, and she tells us how she put it together.
It’s always lovely when houses have a story to tell. We visit Rebecca Micallef’s pub, which she built as a tribute to her swordsman father, and talk to Victoria Savage about the department store she has created in honour of her late mother, who worked with her in the mini business for many years.
Karen Lyons tells us how she eventually got round to working on the house she had when she was six, and we tour a wonderful mansion that’s five-foot long, four foot high and was made to measure to sit on a sideboard.
Lots of projects for you to get on with too. Jump right in and you won’t have time for a holiday.
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Dolls House World

Issue 342 Getting away on holiday is not easy at the moment, so this issue we bring you some great destinations where you can relax in miniature. You can take it easy, and enjoy the island life, sitting in the rocking chair on Inger Henriksson’s verandah. When you need a bit of activity you can work on the doll’s house being put together inside. If that she shed is a bit rustic for your taste, then relax in a modern setting that is the complete opposite. Kristine Hanna has created a split level patio retreat, complete with swimming pool and ample space to stretch out on the elegant loungers. Or how about visiting a Cordoba courtyard decked with flowers? You really will feel like you’re in Spain. Lillian Miller was inspired to create the scene after seeing a photo of a flower festival, and she tells us how she put it together. It’s always lovely when houses have a story to tell. We visit Rebecca Micallef’s pub, which she built as a tribute to her swordsman father, and talk to Victoria Savage about the department store she has created in honour of her late mother, who worked with her in the mini business for many years. Karen Lyons tells us how she eventually got round to working on the house she had when she was six, and we tour a wonderful mansion that’s five-foot long, four foot high and was made to measure to sit on a sideboard. Lots of projects for you to get on with too. Jump right in and you won’t have time for a holiday.

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Issue Cover

Dolls House World  |  Issue 342  

Getting away on holiday is not easy at the moment, so this issue we bring you some great destinations where you can relax in miniature.
You can take it easy, and enjoy the island life, sitting in the rocking chair on Inger Henriksson’s verandah. When you need a bit of activity you can work on the doll’s house being put together inside.
If that she shed is a bit rustic for your taste, then relax in a modern setting that is the complete opposite. Kristine Hanna has created a split level patio retreat, complete with swimming pool and ample space to stretch out on the elegant loungers.
Or how about visiting a Cordoba courtyard decked with flowers? You really will feel like you’re in Spain. Lillian Miller was inspired to create the scene after seeing a photo of a flower festival, and she tells us how she put it together.
It’s always lovely when houses have a story to tell. We visit Rebecca Micallef’s pub, which she built as a tribute to her swordsman father, and talk to Victoria Savage about the department store she has created in honour of her late mother, who worked with her in the mini business for many years.
Karen Lyons tells us how she eventually got round to working on the house she had when she was six, and we tour a wonderful mansion that’s five-foot long, four foot high and was made to measure to sit on a sideboard.
Lots of projects for you to get on with too. Jump right in and you won’t have time for a holiday.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Dolls House World was the UK's first miniatures magazine to hit the newstands and after nearly 20 years it's still the country's favourite. Our passionate editorial team are all dedicated miniaturists and ensure each issue is full of wonderful projects and inspiring features

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Basato su 31 Recensioni dei clienti
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