Drinks Trade  |  March/April
Welcome to the March/April issue of drinks trade. This issue's cover features Australian winemaker Neil McGuigan, the only person in the world to have been named Winemaker of the Year four times at the IWSC. You’ll also see from our cover that this issue includes our Special Feature on Diversity in the Australian Alcohol Industry. Across six pages, 14 individuals from bartending and retailing, to winemaking and brewing, to the more senior levels of the corporate world, explain what opportunities this industry offers and what the benefits of diversity are. We also explore the relevance of Sporting and Alcohol partnerships today, including the importance at community level between local pubs and clubs (Pg. 39). We ask the question why Liqueurs are so often first rate, but second fiddle and how we as trade need to bring the attention back to this versatile category that has been lost in drinks for so long (Pg. 26). Get the report on the South Australian wine industry, including how vintage 2017 is progressing on Pg. 44; the results from our latest Shiraz Tasting Bench on Pg. 48; the Forecasts we’re expecting in the year ahead on Pg. 52 and of course, all the latest News, Product Releases and Trade Activity throughout.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Drinks Trade March/April.