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Fast Ford Magazine Jul-22 Edizione posteriore

21 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
This month Fast Ford magazine is all about walking the walk over talking the talk. On the cover is a stock-looking Focus RS that's really running 600bhp, while inside there’s a 400bhp Fiesta ST and a crazy rear-wheel-drive Mk1 Fiesta that looks like a 1.3 SuperSport. Also, we speak to SVE programme manager to find out how the Focus ST170 was developed and unearth the first privateer RS200 to leave Boreham.
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Fast Ford

Jul-22 This month Fast Ford magazine is all about walking the walk over talking the talk. On the cover is a stock-looking Focus RS that's really running 600bhp, while inside there’s a 400bhp Fiesta ST and a crazy rear-wheel-drive Mk1 Fiesta that looks like a 1.3 SuperSport. Also, we speak to SVE programme manager to find out how the Focus ST170 was developed and unearth the first privateer RS200 to leave Boreham.

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Issue Cover

Fast Ford  |  Jul-22  

This month Fast Ford magazine is all about walking the walk over talking the talk. On the cover is a stock-looking Focus RS that's really running 600bhp, while inside there’s a 400bhp Fiesta ST and a crazy rear-wheel-drive Mk1 Fiesta that looks like a 1.3 SuperSport. Also, we speak to SVE programme manager to find out how the Focus ST170 was developed and unearth the first privateer RS200 to leave Boreham.
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First launched in 1985, Fast Ford magazine is the UK’s best-selling Ford tuning magazine, covering everything from the Escort RS Turbo and Sierra Cosworth to the Focus RS and the supercharged Mustang.

If you’re a first-time Ford owner, Fast Ford magazine will be your number one source of tips, tricks and inspiration to get your car to where you want it. While if you’re a fanatical Ford fan with lots of experience, you’ll find lots of new ideas from fellow Ford owners and experts.

Each month, your digital subscription to Fast Ford magazine will give you the most comprehensive how-to guides for modifying your Ford, for a wide range of cars - from road cars, rally cars, track cars, and classic fords to the latest modern-day fords. Whichever Ford car you’re passionate about, Fast Ford magazine has you covered.

Whether you’re dreaming of the perfect modified Ford or looking to tweak your pride and joy, Fast Ford digital magazine is the perfect guide for you.

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  • Independent road tests and reviews on new Ford cars.
  • A massive section of Fords for sale
  • A comprehensive guide to the modified Ford scene, for first-time buyers through to veteran Ford fanatics.
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Basato su 21 Recensioni dei clienti
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