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Golf Course Architecture Magazine October 2010 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Cricket & Golf)
Only €2,49
With the Ryder Cup fresh in the memory, historian James Hansen delves into the the complex design history of Celtic Manor's Twenty Ten course and concludes that, although the US may have lost the Cup, it played a key role in bringing the course itself to fruition. Hansen interviewed construction foreman Bob Harrington, who ran the build of Celtic Manor's original Wentwood Hills course, as well as working on Twenty Ten, to get the lowdown.

This issue also includes our first site visit to Donald Trump's in-construction Scottish course, as part of a Spotlight on the Aberdeenshire area, a visit to the newly-opened Prairie Club in Nebraska and a review of Kyle Phillips's exciting new Yas Links in Abu Dhabi which, we reckon, has the potential to transform the way golf is seen in the Middle East.
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Golf Course Architecture

October 2010 With the Ryder Cup fresh in the memory, historian James Hansen delves into the the complex design history of Celtic Manor's Twenty Ten course and concludes that, although the US may have lost the Cup, it played a key role in bringing the course itself to fruition. Hansen interviewed construction foreman Bob Harrington, who ran the build of Celtic Manor's original Wentwood Hills course, as well as working on Twenty Ten, to get the lowdown. This issue also includes our first site visit to Donald Trump's in-construction Scottish course, as part of a Spotlight on the Aberdeenshire area, a visit to the newly-opened Prairie Club in Nebraska and a review of Kyle Phillips's exciting new Yas Links in Abu Dhabi which, we reckon, has the potential to transform the way golf is seen in the Middle East.

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Issue Cover

Golf Course Architecture  |  October 2010  

With the Ryder Cup fresh in the memory, historian James Hansen delves into the the complex design history of Celtic Manor's Twenty Ten course and concludes that, although the US may have lost the Cup, it played a key role in bringing the course itself to fruition. Hansen interviewed construction foreman Bob Harrington, who ran the build of Celtic Manor's original Wentwood Hills course, as well as working on Twenty Ten, to get the lowdown.

This issue also includes our first site visit to Donald Trump's in-construction Scottish course, as part of a Spotlight on the Aberdeenshire area, a visit to the newly-opened Prairie Club in Nebraska and a review of Kyle Phillips's exciting new Yas Links in Abu Dhabi which, we reckon, has the potential to transform the way golf is seen in the Middle East.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
This quarterly publication explores golf design, development and renovation in depth, with feature articles that give accurate, consistent and articulate insights into the subject, and commentary from both our in-house editorial staff and the industry’s most respected and authoritative sources.
Our Editorial Advisory Board, comprising industry experts, helps choose topics of the greatest relevance and interest to the industry. Golf Course Architecture is supported by various organisations, and covers golf architecture stories from around the world.

Course development involves far more than just design, so the magazine covers subjects such as agronomy, the use of technology and hot button issues such as the environmental impact of golf courses.

If you are involved with the development or improvement of golf courses, Golf Course Architecture is essential reading.

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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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