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Trade & Professional

Cruise & Ferry Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Travel)
From €7,50 per numero
The Cruise & Ferry app provides access to biannual Cruise & Ferry Review and annual Cruise & Ferry Interiors and Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning publications, a total of four issues each year focused on passenger shipping, that provide insights and opinions from the people that drive the future of the industry. 

For over 25 years Cruise & Ferry has been a positive voice promoting the special experiences associated with passenger shipping and the wider social and economic benefits of the industry. In bringing together the people and organisations that combine to make this business so unique, the Cruise & Ferry suite of publications has become a firm favourite among its loyal readership.

Cruise & Ferry’s editorial remit extends across every part of the industry and has resulted in a broad and captive audience of decision makers who share our passion and endeavour to contribute to the continued success of the cruise and ferry sectors. Cruise & Ferry gives its readers an informed view of developments in the industry – directly from the senior executives that individually and collectively steer the shape of the industry.
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Cruise & Ferry

CF Interiors 2024 The 2024 issue of Cruise & Ferry Interiors opens with a keynote from Marco Pastorini, founder of Independent Maritime Advisors, sharing his shipbuilding memories, while our cover story interview with interior designer Liz Schneider sees her discuss her journey through the cruise interiors industry and the importance of people in design. Other highlights include our designed to last feature, which sees executives, designers and suppliers discuss how ship operators can create longer-lasting interiors, as well as interior views on six newbuilds and design perspectives from industry experts. Plus, interior commentaries and interviews provide insights into the latest marine interior design trends and projects and our Design Legend Tom Graboski reflects on a pioneering 40-year career.

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Singolo numero digitale CF Interiors 2024
15,99 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale OFFERTA SPECIALE: Adesso €29,99 Era €42,99 Fatturato annualmente
€7,50 / edizione
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Cruise & Ferry  |  CF Interiors 2024  

The 2024 issue of Cruise & Ferry Interiors opens with a keynote from Marco Pastorini, founder of Independent Maritime Advisors, sharing his shipbuilding memories, while our cover story interview with interior designer Liz Schneider sees her discuss her journey through the cruise interiors industry and the importance of people in design.

Other highlights include our designed to last feature, which sees executives, designers and suppliers discuss how ship operators can create longer-lasting interiors, as well as interior views on six newbuilds and design perspectives from industry experts.

Plus, interior commentaries and interviews provide insights into the latest marine interior design trends and projects and our Design Legend Tom Graboski reflects on a pioneering 40-year career.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The Cruise & Ferry app provides access to biannual Cruise & Ferry Review and annual Cruise & Ferry Interiors and Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning publications, a total of four issues each year focused on passenger shipping, that provide insights and opinions from the people that drive the future of the industry. 

For over 25 years Cruise & Ferry has been a positive voice promoting the special experiences associated with passenger shipping and the wider social and economic benefits of the industry. In bringing together the people and organisations that combine to make this business so unique, the Cruise & Ferry suite of publications has become a firm favourite among its loyal readership.

Cruise & Ferry’s editorial remit extends across every part of the industry and has resulted in a broad and captive audience of decision makers who share our passion and endeavour to contribute to the continued success of the cruise and ferry sectors. Cruise & Ferry gives its readers an informed view of developments in the industry – directly from the senior executives that individually and collectively steer the shape of the industry.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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