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Grazia Magazine Issue 695 Edizione posteriore

7 Recensioni   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Celebrity)
Only €4,99
It's the two hundred and fifty million business empire that has brought Gwyneth Paltrow as much success as her acting career. But last week, the actor’s wellness brand, Goop, finally paid the price for its outlandish content when it was forced to shell out $145,000 (£110,000) for making ‘unscientific’ claims about some of its products. The items involved included Goop’s jade and rose quartz vaginal eggs, which claimed to ‘balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, prevent uterine prolapse and increase bladder control’, and its Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend, which supposedly helped cure depression. According to reports, the company disagreed with the lawsuit, but ‘wanted to settle it quickly’. It has promised to refund all customers who bought the products. But insiders say Gwyneth fears this could be the beginning of an ugly legal backlash from a whole army of detractors who she feels are ‘out to get her’.
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Issue 695 GWYNETH It's the two hundred and fifty million business empire that has brought Gwyneth Paltrow as much success as her acting career. But last week, the actor’s wellness brand, Goop, finally paid the price for its outlandish content when it was forced to shell out $145,000 (£110,000) for making ‘unscientific’ claims about some of its products. The items involved included Goop’s jade and rose quartz vaginal eggs, which claimed to ‘balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, prevent uterine prolapse and increase bladder control’, and its Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend, which supposedly helped cure depression. According to reports, the company disagreed with the lawsuit, but ‘wanted to settle it quickly’. It has promised to refund all customers who bought the products. But insiders say Gwyneth fears this could be the beginning of an ugly legal backlash from a whole army of detractors who she feels are ‘out to get her’.

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Grazia  |  Issue 695  

It's the two hundred and fifty million business empire that has brought Gwyneth Paltrow as much success as her acting career. But last week, the actor’s wellness brand, Goop, finally paid the price for its outlandish content when it was forced to shell out $145,000 (£110,000) for making ‘unscientific’ claims about some of its products. The items involved included Goop’s jade and rose quartz vaginal eggs, which claimed to ‘balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, prevent uterine prolapse and increase bladder control’, and its Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend, which supposedly helped cure depression. According to reports, the company disagreed with the lawsuit, but ‘wanted to settle it quickly’. It has promised to refund all customers who bought the products. But insiders say Gwyneth fears this could be the beginning of an ugly legal backlash from a whole army of detractors who she feels are ‘out to get her’.
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