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Health & Fitness

Healthy & Heartwise Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Women's Fitness)
More than ever before Australian consumers are spending time and money in the pursuit of health and wellbeing. With this in mind, Healthy & Heartwise focuses on articles relevant to maintaining a work/life balance and taking preventative measures to ensure a healthy life. The content is written by health professionals i.e. nutritionists, dietitians, food experts, exercise physiologists and medical professionals.
Each issue contains the following sections:
• Heart Health
• Food & Nutrition
• Healthy Recipes
• Dealing with Diabetes
• Exercise
• Weight Management
• Natural Healthcare
• Travel & Lifestyle
We are devoted to helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle by promoting the benefits of eating the right types of foods, choosing supplements and doing physical activity.
Download the latest issue today to start your journey towards a healthier life.
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Healthy & Heartwise

56 Autumn 2015 Vol 56 Autumn – Maggie Beer, our first chef cover! Also new this issue is a regular health technology and cardiac 'heart2heart' feature. Harvest time brings food preservation newly refurbished traditions to the fore – fermentation, smoking, soaking, picking and curing (salt or sugar) are all reviewed by Milena Katz for their health pros and cons, and we feature leading nutritionist’s and chef’s recipes for sauerkraut, chutneys and jam. Another trend is coconut comestibles – the juice or water has been filling shelves for several years and the oil is being used for more than 'pulling' through teeth! Despite it being 90%+ saturated fatty acids, it's now a mainstay in many food products, cooking and menus – some even say you can lose weight on it!

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Issue Cover

Healthy & Heartwise  |  56 Autumn 2015  

Vol 56 Autumn – Maggie Beer, our first chef cover! Also new this issue is a regular health technology and cardiac 'heart2heart' feature. Harvest time brings food preservation newly refurbished traditions to the fore – fermentation, smoking, soaking, picking and curing (salt or sugar) are all reviewed by Milena Katz for their health pros and cons, and we feature leading nutritionist’s and chef’s recipes for sauerkraut, chutneys and jam. Another trend is coconut comestibles – the juice or water has been filling shelves for several years and the oil is being used for more than 'pulling' through teeth! Despite it being 90%+ saturated fatty acids, it's now a mainstay in many food products, cooking and menus – some even say you can lose weight on it!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
More than ever before Australian consumers are spending time and money in the pursuit of health and wellbeing. With this in mind, Healthy & Heartwise focuses on articles relevant to maintaining a work/life balance and taking preventative measures to ensure a healthy life. The content is written by health professionals i.e. nutritionists, dietitians, food experts, exercise physiologists and medical professionals.
Each issue contains the following sections:
• Heart Health
• Food & Nutrition
• Healthy Recipes
• Dealing with Diabetes
• Exercise
• Weight Management
• Natural Healthcare
• Travel & Lifestyle
We are devoted to helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle by promoting the benefits of eating the right types of foods, choosing supplements and doing physical activity.
Download the latest issue today to start your journey towards a healthier life.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great for improving health

Lots of tips and features for making your body more efficient to work better for you particularly in older age Recensito 13 settembre 2017

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Healthy & Heartwise 56 Autumn 2015.