International Piano  |  December 2021
In the December issue of International Piano Jean-Yves Thibaudet discusses his new album of repertoire favourites recorded during the pandemic; Benjamin Ivry assesses Saint-Saëns’s stature 100 years after his death; and prizes and surprises at this year’s Chopin Competition in Warsaw.
Plus, 16 pages of free sheet music including Leon McCawley’s masterclass on the quirky first movement of Haydn’s Sonata No 30 in D major; recording engineer Tony Faulkner on how to capture pianists at their best; Korean pianist Franziska Lee explores a selection of modern British masterpieces; a new online portal offers free access to 400 years of Polish music; Murray McLachlan concludes his series exploring 12 essential skills for mastering the piano repertoire with a look at modern and contemporary music; Korean-German pianist Jimin Oh-Havenith reconnects with her childhood musicality; listening to the piano in 3D sound; contemporary music advocate Anton Gerzenberg; and British pianist Daniel Grimwood on recordings that resonate with their times.
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Articoli in questo numero
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