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iPad and iPhone User Magazine Issue 69 Edizione posteriore

30 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Apple)
iPad 2, iPad 4, or iPad mini? This month our brightest minds wrestle with the iPad conundrum, exhaustively testing, analysing and comparing Apple’s entire tablet line-up to find the best-value option for you. We’ve got specs, battery tests, contract advice and more.

Elsewhere in this issue: the ultimate guide to watching and recording TV on your iPad or iPhone, with reviews of the best apps, TV services and hardware accessories to enable you to catch your favourite shows over the winter break.

If the cold weather is getting you down, entertain yourself (and the whole family) with our brilliant iPad projects: 5 fun ways to liven up Christmas and the New Year requiring nothing more than an iPad and an internet connection.

Finally, we’ve got a beginner’s guide to Apple GarageBand, helping even the most tone-deaf of budding musicians to create cracking tunes with ease; reviews of 96 apps and games (including videos of our reviewers exploring their features); our roundup of the best accessories for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, from cases and stands to keyboards, speakers and headphones; and our usual huge range of wide-ranging, easy-to-follow tutorials to help you make the most of your Apple devices.
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iPad and iPhone User

Issue 69 iPad 2, iPad 4, or iPad mini? This month our brightest minds wrestle with the iPad conundrum, exhaustively testing, analysing and comparing Apple’s entire tablet line-up to find the best-value option for you. We’ve got specs, battery tests, contract advice and more. Elsewhere in this issue: the ultimate guide to watching and recording TV on your iPad or iPhone, with reviews of the best apps, TV services and hardware accessories to enable you to catch your favourite shows over the winter break. If the cold weather is getting you down, entertain yourself (and the whole family) with our brilliant iPad projects: 5 fun ways to liven up Christmas and the New Year requiring nothing more than an iPad and an internet connection. Finally, we’ve got a beginner’s guide to Apple GarageBand, helping even the most tone-deaf of budding musicians to create cracking tunes with ease; reviews of 96 apps and games (including videos of our reviewers exploring their features); our roundup of the best accessories for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, from cases and stands to keyboards, speakers and headphones; and our usual huge range of wide-ranging, easy-to-follow tutorials to help you make the most of your Apple devices.

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Issue Cover

iPad and iPhone User  |  Issue 69  

iPad 2, iPad 4, or iPad mini? This month our brightest minds wrestle with the iPad conundrum, exhaustively testing, analysing and comparing Apple’s entire tablet line-up to find the best-value option for you. We’ve got specs, battery tests, contract advice and more.

Elsewhere in this issue: the ultimate guide to watching and recording TV on your iPad or iPhone, with reviews of the best apps, TV services and hardware accessories to enable you to catch your favourite shows over the winter break.

If the cold weather is getting you down, entertain yourself (and the whole family) with our brilliant iPad projects: 5 fun ways to liven up Christmas and the New Year requiring nothing more than an iPad and an internet connection.

Finally, we’ve got a beginner’s guide to Apple GarageBand, helping even the most tone-deaf of budding musicians to create cracking tunes with ease; reviews of 96 apps and games (including videos of our reviewers exploring their features); our roundup of the best accessories for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, from cases and stands to keyboards, speakers and headphones; and our usual huge range of wide-ranging, easy-to-follow tutorials to help you make the most of your Apple devices.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
iPad & iPhone User magazine offers news, reviews and tests of the latest Apple equipment, as well as in-depth rumours and tech reports on the next-generation of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices.
In-depth buyer's guides and reccomendations from the App Store; plus reviews of cases, keyboards, speakers, earphones and the latest gadgets.
Each issue is packed with step-by-step tutorials and features on how to get the most from apps and services like iCloud, iTunes Match, GarageBand, iPhoto, GarageBand, iMovie, Pages, Keynote, as well as all the latest Apps.

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Basato su 30 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great for ipad and iphone users

Read the latest issue and this is a great mag for ipad and iphone users with good articles and lots to learn Recensito 12 agosto 2020

iPad and iPhone User

Excellent magazine covering all things iPad and iPhone
Recensito 21 maggio 2020

Works on my old iPhone 3G wow

Great App I have only got the free mag but I will be buying them will it work in Spain Recensito 24 novembre 2012

App Videos.. nice touch

I've just got the latest issue (100 AMAZING TIPS & TRICKS) of this great mag and I love the NEW App Videos.. hope theres more to come. I did however experience a small problem after the latest update.. lost the videos; however I simply deleted the issue from my library and re-downloaded at NO additional cost and all works fine now. The app has great hints and FAQ's which is a real help. Recensito 24 novembre 2012

Very informative and fun. Recensito 28 luglio 2012

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in iPad and iPhone User Issue 69.

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