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Jaguar Enthusiast Magazine Vol 29 No.7 30’s US Dream Car meets Britain’s Sporting Best Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
By the time you read this,
the Club will have held
its National Northern
Day, seeing a welcome
return to Newby Hall in North
Yorkshire. Hopefully not only
will the event have been its usual
success but also the weather
will have been kind to us. A full
report on the day will appear
in the August magazine.
Now we should look forward to
our next major event, the National
Southern Day, seeing another return
visit, this time to Littlecote House near
Hungerford, a fi rm favourite with those
who have attended in previous years.
There is still plenty of time to pre-book
so please come along and make it a
day (or weekend) to remember.
My personal attentions are now being
drawn to the next phase of seminars
for the autumn/winter/spring period
of 2013/2014 and, as you will read elsewhere, we have a packed agenda
of seminars covering a wide base of
subjects. Further details on exact timings
will be supplied next month, followed
by the usual pre-booking forms.
Next year the Club celebrates its 30th
anniversary and this will mean a return to
Thoresby Hall in North Nottinghamshire
for our weekend extravaganza and
plans are already in motion to ensure
this will be the best Jaguar event
ever. You won’t want to miss this one
so we will trickle information to you
on a monthly basis from now on.
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Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages Jaguar Enthusiast Preview Pages

Jaguar Enthusiast

Vol 29 No.7 30’s US Dream Car meets Britain’s Sporting Best By the time you read this, the Club will have held its National Northern Day, seeing a welcome return to Newby Hall in North Yorkshire. Hopefully not only will the event have been its usual success but also the weather will have been kind to us. A full report on the day will appear in the August magazine. Now we should look forward to our next major event, the National Southern Day, seeing another return visit, this time to Littlecote House near Hungerford, a fi rm favourite with those who have attended in previous years. There is still plenty of time to pre-book so please come along and make it a day (or weekend) to remember. My personal attentions are now being drawn to the next phase of seminars for the autumn/winter/spring period of 2013/2014 and, as you will read elsewhere, we have a packed agenda of seminars covering a wide base of subjects. Further details on exact timings will be supplied next month, followed by the usual pre-booking forms. Next year the Club celebrates its 30th anniversary and this will mean a return to Thoresby Hall in North Nottinghamshire for our weekend extravaganza and plans are already in motion to ensure this will be the best Jaguar event ever. You won’t want to miss this one so we will trickle information to you on a monthly basis from now on.

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Issue Cover

Jaguar Enthusiast  |  Vol 29 No.7 30’s US Dream Car meets Britain’s Sporting Best  

By the time you read this,
the Club will have held
its National Northern
Day, seeing a welcome
return to Newby Hall in North
Yorkshire. Hopefully not only
will the event have been its usual
success but also the weather
will have been kind to us. A full
report on the day will appear
in the August magazine.
Now we should look forward to
our next major event, the National
Southern Day, seeing another return
visit, this time to Littlecote House near
Hungerford, a fi rm favourite with those
who have attended in previous years.
There is still plenty of time to pre-book
so please come along and make it a
day (or weekend) to remember.
My personal attentions are now being
drawn to the next phase of seminars
for the autumn/winter/spring period
of 2013/2014 and, as you will read elsewhere, we have a packed agenda
of seminars covering a wide base of
subjects. Further details on exact timings
will be supplied next month, followed
by the usual pre-booking forms.
Next year the Club celebrates its 30th
anniversary and this will mean a return to
Thoresby Hall in North Nottinghamshire
for our weekend extravaganza and
plans are already in motion to ensure
this will be the best Jaguar event
ever. You won’t want to miss this one
so we will trickle information to you
on a monthly basis from now on.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The 140 page Jaguar Enthusiast magazine is produced by the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club, the largest Jaguar club in the World and is packed with useful information on all models of Jaguar and everything you need to know about the Jaguar scene, including the largest selection of Jaguar related classified adverts in print.

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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
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