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Knit Now Magazine 14 Edizione posteriore

41 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €7,99
Bonus Christmas story pattern book; 23 Knits for a stress-free Christmas; Designs you'll love to make; Patterns for all skill levels; Great gift ideas for him; Simply stylish garments - cable vest, chunky cardigan; One-ball knits for kids - cute hats, pretty shrug; 7 super-quick chunky knits; Expert advice: Wooly Wormhead's essential guide to finding your ideal hat; Blocking made easy - expert tips for the perfect finishing touch; Yarn reviews you can trust from real knitters; exclusive reader offers from top yarn stores.
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Knit Now

14 Bonus Christmas story pattern book; 23 Knits for a stress-free Christmas; Designs you'll love to make; Patterns for all skill levels; Great gift ideas for him; Simply stylish garments - cable vest, chunky cardigan; One-ball knits for kids - cute hats, pretty shrug; 7 super-quick chunky knits; Expert advice: Wooly Wormhead's essential guide to finding your ideal hat; Blocking made easy - expert tips for the perfect finishing touch; Yarn reviews you can trust from real knitters; exclusive reader offers from top yarn stores.

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Issue Cover

Knit Now  |  14  

Bonus Christmas story pattern book; 23 Knits for a stress-free Christmas; Designs you'll love to make; Patterns for all skill levels; Great gift ideas for him; Simply stylish garments - cable vest, chunky cardigan; One-ball knits for kids - cute hats, pretty shrug; 7 super-quick chunky knits; Expert advice: Wooly Wormhead's essential guide to finding your ideal hat; Blocking made easy - expert tips for the perfect finishing touch; Yarn reviews you can trust from real knitters; exclusive reader offers from top yarn stores.
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Knit Now brings you the latest and most up to date patterns featuring contemporary styles fresh from the high street. Covering all the latest news, yarns and interviews with hot, new, and established designers every issue is packed with inspiration and ideas you’ll love to try.

Quick, simple and stylish Knit Now is the essential magazine for today’s knitter.

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Basato su 41 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Knit Now

Really enjoyed this issue. Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Knit Now

One of the best knitting magazines in UK Recensito 30 gennaio 2021

Articoli in questo numero

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