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Women's Interest

l'Orafo Italiano Magazine

9 numeri all'anno   |  English
1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
When you say Italy you say jewellery: in an italian jewel fashion, beauty and taste are the expression of that tradition, craftsmanship and culture people all over the world love and aspire to.

L’Orafo Italiano magazine is a pleasure to read both for the content and for the artwork. A truly italian style product too.

Since 1946 l’Orafo Italiano magazine tells you everything you need and like to know about jewellery and watches, new designs and future trends, leading personalities of the jewellery world and top manufacturers. It gives you data and information about consumers’ attitude and the sector’s economy. It reports from the most important trade fairs and much much more.

L’Orafo Italiano speaks italian and english and you can find it easily; you can subscribe to it and receive it at home or download it on your tablet or, again, you can leaf through it and read it on our website.
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l'Orafo Italiano

Gen/feb/mar 2021 Resist, react, plan: the goldsmith sector as a whole is getting organised in view of the coveted restart, even if only hypotheses can be made as for the times and ways of a true recovery, also relying on the positive results obtained over the last few months in terms of sales and on the determination to catch all the opportunities and trends of the period. Due to the forced, almost total absence of travels, exhibitions and live events, in fact, companies and retailers capitalize on old and new strategies to communicate, stand out and win consumers that, more than ever, want to gratify themselves being involved in new and inclusive shopping experiences, also in person. Now, thanks to on line and off line technologies you can enter a jewellery and have fun composing your jewel or having it customised or tailor-made... In the jewellery you can find the perfect gift to show your love and closeness to the beloved ones, expressing feelings and values even more precious in a period characterised by a great frailty. Always speaking about values, sustainability, ecology and circular economy are, finally, other key messages that an increasingly higher number of companies want to underline in their communication, sharing a commitment with a social or environmental vocation that, as we have often pointed out, is now firmly in the mind of consumers that, in trying to find a sense in what is happening, are increasingly appreciating commitments as the traceability of gems, the use of renewable sources, the respect of environment and of the workers’ rights, fairmined metals, well aware of the critical challenges we will face in the near future.

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Singolo numero digitale Gen/feb/mar 2021
2,49 / issue
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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

l'Orafo Italiano  |  Gen/feb/mar 2021  

Resist, react, plan: the goldsmith sector as a whole is getting organised in view of the coveted restart, even if only hypotheses can be made as for the times and ways of a true recovery, also relying on the positive results obtained over the last few months in terms of sales and on the determination to catch all the opportunities and trends of the period. Due to the forced, almost total absence of travels, exhibitions and live events, in fact, companies and retailers capitalize on old and new strategies to communicate, stand out and win consumers that, more than ever, want to gratify themselves being involved in new and inclusive shopping experiences, also in person. Now, thanks to on line and off line technologies you can enter a jewellery and have fun composing your jewel or having it customised or tailor-made... In the jewellery you can find the perfect gift to show your love and closeness to the beloved ones, expressing feelings and values even more precious in a period characterised by a great frailty. Always speaking about values, sustainability, ecology and circular economy are, finally, other key messages that an increasingly higher number of companies want to underline in their communication, sharing a commitment with a social or environmental vocation that, as we have often pointed out, is now firmly in the mind of consumers that, in trying to find a sense in what is happening, are increasingly appreciating commitments as the traceability of gems, the use of renewable sources, the respect of environment and of the workers’ rights, fairmined metals, well aware of the critical challenges we will face in the near future.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
When you say Italy you say jewellery: in an italian jewel fashion, beauty and taste are the expression of that tradition, craftsmanship and culture people all over the world love and aspire to.

L’Orafo Italiano magazine is a pleasure to read both for the content and for the artwork. A truly italian style product too.

Since 1946 l’Orafo Italiano magazine tells you everything you need and like to know about jewellery and watches, new designs and future trends, leading personalities of the jewellery world and top manufacturers. It gives you data and information about consumers’ attitude and the sector’s economy. It reports from the most important trade fairs and much much more.

L’Orafo Italiano speaks italian and english and you can find it easily; you can subscribe to it and receive it at home or download it on your tablet or, again, you can leaf through it and read it on our website.

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•  Uno sconto sul prezzo di vendita della rivista
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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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l'Orafo Italiano

The layouts are beautiful. I can keep on the latest jewelry trends with l'Orafo Italiano. I enjoy the magazine immensely. Recensito 21 dicembre 2020

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