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Making Cards & Papercraft Magazine May/Jun 2021 Edizione posteriore

121 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
We bring to two sets of brand new exclusive Craft Paper Collections that we know you will love and enjoy using! Crazy Cats is here to celebrate our furry friends and their purr-fect personalities, ideal for pairing with on-trend cat-print patterned backing papers. We think this set is fun and funky – and we think you’ll agree! Your second set, As Pretty As A Picture, consists of beautiful modern illustrations that are perfect for colourful cards. The imagery depicts the highlights of the season and will make beautiful cards you can display around the home.

In June we celebrate Father’s Day, so we wanted to make sure you had not one but two design ideas when creating a card for the father figure in your life. Men are famously difficult to make cards for, so we have covered to different themes, both using digi stamps; the first, from Dr Digi’s House of Stamps on page 32, covers a more humorous side with images poking fun! The second, from Mo’s Digital Pencil, contains more classic imagery and hobbies, such as gardening, fishing and cycling.

Also in this edition we have some fantastic technique based project for you to enjoy and release your inner artist! Alison Carubia details the art of triple embossing with step by steps to help you, whilst Isha Gupta shows five different ways to use Tim Holtz’s latest product, Alcohol Pearl – we do make sure we have all the latest products after all!
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Making Cards & Papercraft

May/Jun 2021 We bring to two sets of brand new exclusive Craft Paper Collections that we know you will love and enjoy using! Crazy Cats is here to celebrate our furry friends and their purr-fect personalities, ideal for pairing with on-trend cat-print patterned backing papers. We think this set is fun and funky – and we think you’ll agree! Your second set, As Pretty As A Picture, consists of beautiful modern illustrations that are perfect for colourful cards. The imagery depicts the highlights of the season and will make beautiful cards you can display around the home. In June we celebrate Father’s Day, so we wanted to make sure you had not one but two design ideas when creating a card for the father figure in your life. Men are famously difficult to make cards for, so we have covered to different themes, both using digi stamps; the first, from Dr Digi’s House of Stamps on page 32, covers a more humorous side with images poking fun! The second, from Mo’s Digital Pencil, contains more classic imagery and hobbies, such as gardening, fishing and cycling. Also in this edition we have some fantastic technique based project for you to enjoy and release your inner artist! Alison Carubia details the art of triple embossing with step by steps to help you, whilst Isha Gupta shows five different ways to use Tim Holtz’s latest product, Alcohol Pearl – we do make sure we have all the latest products after all!

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Issue Cover

Making Cards & Papercraft  |  May/Jun 2021  

We bring to two sets of brand new exclusive Craft Paper Collections that we know you will love and enjoy using! Crazy Cats is here to celebrate our furry friends and their purr-fect personalities, ideal for pairing with on-trend cat-print patterned backing papers. We think this set is fun and funky – and we think you’ll agree! Your second set, As Pretty As A Picture, consists of beautiful modern illustrations that are perfect for colourful cards. The imagery depicts the highlights of the season and will make beautiful cards you can display around the home.

In June we celebrate Father’s Day, so we wanted to make sure you had not one but two design ideas when creating a card for the father figure in your life. Men are famously difficult to make cards for, so we have covered to different themes, both using digi stamps; the first, from Dr Digi’s House of Stamps on page 32, covers a more humorous side with images poking fun! The second, from Mo’s Digital Pencil, contains more classic imagery and hobbies, such as gardening, fishing and cycling.

Also in this edition we have some fantastic technique based project for you to enjoy and release your inner artist! Alison Carubia details the art of triple embossing with step by steps to help you, whilst Isha Gupta shows five different ways to use Tim Holtz’s latest product, Alcohol Pearl – we do make sure we have all the latest products after all!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

There’s no sentiment sweeter than a homemade card and Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is here to help spread the love. Whether you’re creating personal cards to give to family and friends or looking to create gorgeous card packs to sell, Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is just the bi-monthly read you need to ensure you’re making the best cards possible.

With every single issue packed full of step-by-step card projects created by a dedicated team of highly talented craftspeople, your card making capabilities are set to soar!

What’s more, each issue includes competitions galore, friendly interviews, news from celebrity crafters and reader letters.

Get creative every month and improve your papercraft skills with a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine. 

With a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine, you can enjoy:

  • Step-by-step guides to creating stunning cards for family and friends, or to sell
  • An inspiring bi-monthly read to bring out the creative streak in you
  • Stunning photography and insightful articles to get the most from your hobby
  • Competitions, interesting interviews, news from celebrity crafters and more
  • Top tips and handy hints for creating impressive cards from a highly talented team of contributors
  • Every issue delivered to your device before it hits the shops
  • A discount off the RRP of your magazine

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Basato su 121 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Making Cards & Papercraft

I'd like to see a bigger variety of papers. Love what you do, but very similar often. Soft florals, cute critters etc, would be lovely. Recensito 20 febbraio 2020

Making Cards & Papercraft

little projects Recensito 12 febbraio 2020

Always inspiring

Great magazine full of ideas for the latest card designs Recensito 27 giugno 2019

Highly interesting

For all those crafted out there this is a very good read Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

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Making Cards & Papercraft Jan/Feb 2021 Jan/Feb 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Cards & Papercraft November/December 2020 November/December 2020 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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