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Making Jewellery Magazine August 2010 Edizione posteriore

12 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
There comes a time in one’s life that family must come first and I am facing such a moment. I have decided to return to Australia for several months to enjoy quality time with my father and family. With having made this decision I have resigned my commission as editor. It’s been almost nine years now that I have been working and living in the UK and I consider it my home away from home. I have met many talented people with whom I have enjoyed sharing my passion for making jewellery and consider myself privileged to be able to call them my friends. Whilst in Aus I will continue to contribute projects and feature articles to Making Jewellery and look forward to continuing my professional and personal relationships with my colleagues and friends at GMC. I would like to extend a warm thank you to Jonathan and Jennifer Phillips, Simon McKeown and Keith Wilson for their most valued support and encouragement. To Jen, Phil, Claire and all the team at Making Jewellery who’ve been the most amazing group of folk to work with; a big fuzzy hug. xxx In stepping down as editor, I welcome Sian Hamilton to the helm. Sian is a professional jeweller who has been contributing to the magazine for several months. Sian’s business and jewellery making skills will prove, without a doubt, a valuable asset to our magazine. In this issue of Making Jewellery we embark on an inspirational adventure. Each project has been themed to refl ect the colours, textures and cultural infl uences of the country of origin. Join us on a journey into the creative world of making jewellery and embark on a new, exciting project today. To all our readers, I’ll stay in touch on, so be sure to catch up soon...
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Making Jewellery

August 2010 There comes a time in one’s life that family must come first and I am facing such a moment. I have decided to return to Australia for several months to enjoy quality time with my father and family. With having made this decision I have resigned my commission as editor. It’s been almost nine years now that I have been working and living in the UK and I consider it my home away from home. I have met many talented people with whom I have enjoyed sharing my passion for making jewellery and consider myself privileged to be able to call them my friends. Whilst in Aus I will continue to contribute projects and feature articles to Making Jewellery and look forward to continuing my professional and personal relationships with my colleagues and friends at GMC. I would like to extend a warm thank you to Jonathan and Jennifer Phillips, Simon McKeown and Keith Wilson for their most valued support and encouragement. To Jen, Phil, Claire and all the team at Making Jewellery who’ve been the most amazing group of folk to work with; a big fuzzy hug. xxx In stepping down as editor, I welcome Sian Hamilton to the helm. Sian is a professional jeweller who has been contributing to the magazine for several months. Sian’s business and jewellery making skills will prove, without a doubt, a valuable asset to our magazine. In this issue of Making Jewellery we embark on an inspirational adventure. Each project has been themed to refl ect the colours, textures and cultural infl uences of the country of origin. Join us on a journey into the creative world of making jewellery and embark on a new, exciting project today. To all our readers, I’ll stay in touch on, so be sure to catch up soon...

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Issue Cover

Making Jewellery  |  August 2010  

There comes a time in one’s life that family must come first and I am facing such a moment. I have decided to return to Australia for several months to enjoy quality time with my father and family. With having made this decision I have resigned my commission as editor. It’s been almost nine years now that I have been working and living in the UK and I consider it my home away from home. I have met many talented people with whom I have enjoyed sharing my passion for making jewellery and consider myself privileged to be able to call them my friends. Whilst in Aus I will continue to contribute projects and feature articles to Making Jewellery and look forward to continuing my professional and personal relationships with my colleagues and friends at GMC. I would like to extend a warm thank you to Jonathan and Jennifer Phillips, Simon McKeown and Keith Wilson for their most valued support and encouragement. To Jen, Phil, Claire and all the team at Making Jewellery who’ve been the most amazing group of folk to work with; a big fuzzy hug. xxx In stepping down as editor, I welcome Sian Hamilton to the helm. Sian is a professional jeweller who has been contributing to the magazine for several months. Sian’s business and jewellery making skills will prove, without a doubt, a valuable asset to our magazine. In this issue of Making Jewellery we embark on an inspirational adventure. Each project has been themed to refl ect the colours, textures and cultural infl uences of the country of origin. Join us on a journey into the creative world of making jewellery and embark on a new, exciting project today. To all our readers, I’ll stay in touch on, so be sure to catch up soon...
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Making Jewellery magazine includes 132 pages packed with in-depth information on all aspects of jewellery making, from techniques and projects to interviews with master makers. Each issue focusses on a material or jewellery-making discipline including metal clay, polymer clay, mixed media and wirework. Our techniques and projects are broken down into detail with step-by-step pictures and instructions to make the process clear and easy to follow. Each issue also features news, an events calendar, reviews and articles of topical interest in the jewellery world. Every quarter the issue is a professional one aimed at those interested in business and selling their jewellery. These issues focus on the business side of making jewellery along with articles about metals, gems and tools.

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Basato su 12 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Making Jewellery

Great projects
Recensito 26 marzo 2020

Great magazine

I'm really enjoyed this issue. It was so good that I've purchased a subscription to this magazine. Recensito 09 marzo 2017

good magazine app

I like this app;but the free issue I got took forever to download. Other than that, just like the newsstand issues. I wish the single issues were a little cheaper.I realize this magazine cost more on newstands because it is an import,but digital??? Love the contents~and the pictures show up wonderfully. Recensito 24 novembre 2012

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Making Jewellery August 2010.

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Making Jewellery March 2018 March 2018 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery February 2018 February 2018 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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Making Jewellery Zentangle Zentangle Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Animals (Magpie) Animals (Magpie) Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Cats (Magpie) Cats (Magpie) Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Tatting Collage Tatting Collage Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Loom Bandz Factory Loom Bandz Factory Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Charms Charms Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Rings Rings Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Birds (Magpie) Birds (Magpie) Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Earrings Earrings Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Making Jewellery Bracelets Bracelets Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
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