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Health & Fitness

Teen Breathe Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
From €5,83 per numero

Teen Breathe is the first magazine of its kind to put the wellbeing of teens at the forefront. Teen Breathe magazine covers relatable topics surrounding the everyday teen, helping to encourage overall mindfulness, as well as a happier, healthier and more fulfilled teenage life. Discover a diverse range of intriguing subjects such as social media, sports, crafts and several ‘try it yourself’ activities.

Teen Breathe magazine encourages and motivates young adults to chase after their dreams, be open to new ideas and above all, own who they are. So sit back, relax and breathe with your very own digital subscription to Teen Breathe magazine.

Join hundreds of readers with a digital subscription to the number one wellbeing magazine for teens! Subscribe to Teen Breathe today! 

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Teen Breathe

Issue 053 Ever felt excited to show off something new to your friends, but then when you had the chance another friend jumped in, exclaiming: ‘Look what I got!’, holding up their amazing buy or gift? Maybe you quietly put your new possession to one side and listened as everyone admired your friend’s latest get. You should be happy for them, so why did you feel ignored and, dare you say it, a little envious? Comparing what we have with that of others is a natural part of life, and everyone does it. It harks back to our caveman days, when noticing that someone had more of what you needed – such as food, for example – could have meant the difference between life and death. Being jealous is perfectly normal, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling it: it’s what you do with it that matters. Thankfully, since those early caveman days, our brains have evolved to recognise our emotions and think them through. The tendency to compare may always be with us, but today we can choose to try to remember what we do have instead. As the famous saying goes: ‘Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.’

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Issue Cover

Teen Breathe  |  Issue 053  

Ever felt excited to show off something new to your friends, but then when you had the chance another friend jumped in, exclaiming: ‘Look what I got!’, holding up their amazing buy or gift? Maybe you quietly put your new possession to one side and listened as everyone admired your friend’s latest get. You should be happy for them, so why did you feel ignored and, dare you say it, a little envious?

Comparing what we have with that of others is a natural part of life, and everyone does it. It harks back to our caveman days, when noticing that someone had more of what you needed – such as food, for example – could have meant the difference between life and death. Being jealous is perfectly normal, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling it: it’s what you do with it that matters.

Thankfully, since those early caveman days, our brains have evolved to recognise our emotions and think them through. The tendency to compare may always be with us, but today we can choose to try to remember what we do have instead. As the famous saying goes: ‘Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.’
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Teen Breathe magazine follows in the footsteps of it’s famous older sister, Breathe Magazine. It is the magazine that keeps young adults motivated and inspired all year round. In every issue, Teen Breathe highlights and discusses all of the relevant and relatable experiences that any average teenager might endure.

From social media and making friends to learning and meditating, Teen Breathe has all the tips, exercises and ideas to keep teens inspired month after month. Teen Breathe encourages young adults to explore how paying attention, being curious and staying positive can lead to a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Discover the key tips and tricks to wellbeing with a subscription to Teen Breathe digital magazine. Download the latest digital magazine to your device and enjoy instantly today! 

Subscribe to Teen Breathe magazine today and look forward to these features and more in every issue:  

  • Interesting and relatable teen topics with expert and positive advice
  • Inspirational quotes and illustrations
  • ‘Try it yourself’ well-being activities such as yoga, pilates and meditation techniques
  • Delivered directly to your device every month - easily accessible whenever wherever you are!

Riceverete 6 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Teen Breathe abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 37 Recensioni dei clienti
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Very useful

Write magazine for mindfulness for younger people Recensito 19 aprile 2022

High quality

Really good for teenage children and their families Recensito 09 aprile 2022

Articoli in questo numero

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