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NEO Magazine Issue 234 Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Film)
Get ready for NEO issue 234, with our autumnal extravaganza celebrating the best upcoming anime for the rest of 2023. We also have a Halloween round-up of the spookiest, scariest and sexiest anime, movies, and TV coming out of East Asia, from Korean reality TV to Japanese fan service. Speaking of Korean television - is Mask Girl the new Squid Game? We review the Netflix drama many are tipping as the next big thing! Find our recommendations for upcoming streaming shows, and our list of October anime you can watch for free online. We also take the live action One Piece to task and reveal our verdict on this most hotly anticipated anime adaptation since Cowboy Bebop. Speaking of controversial, we also review the end of Evangelion, and tip you in on Eva creator Hideaki Anno's hidden gem that every anime fan should watch. All that, plus win a deluxe Neon Genesis Evangelion box set worth £79.99, and check out some fantastic recipes from Kung Food, only in this month's issue of NEO!
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NEO Magazine

Issue 234 Get ready for NEO issue 234, with our autumnal extravaganza celebrating the best upcoming anime for the rest of 2023. We also have a Halloween round-up of the spookiest, scariest and sexiest anime, movies, and TV coming out of East Asia, from Korean reality TV to Japanese fan service. Speaking of Korean television - is Mask Girl the new Squid Game? We review the Netflix drama many are tipping as the next big thing! Find our recommendations for upcoming streaming shows, and our list of October anime you can watch for free online. We also take the live action One Piece to task and reveal our verdict on this most hotly anticipated anime adaptation since Cowboy Bebop. Speaking of controversial, we also review the end of Evangelion, and tip you in on Eva creator Hideaki Anno's hidden gem that every anime fan should watch. All that, plus win a deluxe Neon Genesis Evangelion box set worth £79.99, and check out some fantastic recipes from Kung Food, only in this month's issue of NEO!

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NEO Magazine  |  Issue 234  

Get ready for NEO issue 234, with our autumnal extravaganza celebrating the best upcoming anime for the rest of 2023. We also have a Halloween round-up of the spookiest, scariest and sexiest anime, movies, and TV coming out of East Asia, from Korean reality TV to Japanese fan service. Speaking of Korean television - is Mask Girl the new Squid Game? We review the Netflix drama many are tipping as the next big thing! Find our recommendations for upcoming streaming shows, and our list of October anime you can watch for free online. We also take the live action One Piece to task and reveal our verdict on this most hotly anticipated anime adaptation since Cowboy Bebop. Speaking of controversial, we also review the end of Evangelion, and tip you in on Eva creator Hideaki Anno's hidden gem that every anime fan should watch. All that, plus win a deluxe Neon Genesis Evangelion box set worth £79.99, and check out some fantastic recipes from Kung Food, only in this month's issue of NEO!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Scratch your itch for even more anime with the well-respected recommendations from the NEO team. Whether you’re looking for your next show to watch or the hottest music to listen to right now, NEO is brimming with in-depth reviews covering all types of Asian entertainment. You’ll be the first to know of upcoming events, conventions, meetups and festivals - the recommended places to be if you love all things Asian pop culture.

Want to find out the latest and best in Asian entertainment? Talking all things movie, TV and music, the NEO team bring you news and interviews from the stars, writers and illustrators behind your favourite shows and stories. Every month, you’ll find the latest games and animations reviews, as well as exclusive insight into what’s releasing soon. With a NEO magazine subscription, you’ll also find a Manga extract in each and every issue to give you a taste of some of the most incredible work in Asian pop culture.

Don’t miss out on anything new in Asian pop culture with a NEO magazine subscription! Here’s what you’ll find every month with a subscription to NEO magazine:

  • Insightful reviews of Asian animation, music, film and video games
  • Exclusive look at a Manga extract in every issue
  • Upcoming releases about new anime, Manga and Asian film releases
  • The latest news and events from the world of Asian entertainment
  • Delivered directly to your device every month

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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
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NEO Magazine

great digital magazine. I wish I could afford the paper version, but sadly I'm in America and the subscription cost is too high. But great content. Recensito 11 giugno 2020

One of the best

For all animation fans Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Go-to Anime mag

Love this mag, gives me just the anime fix I'm after. :) Recensito 10 luglio 2019

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