Tech Advisor  |  TabletWorld 2013
The third edition of TabletWorld is the only guide you need to the best tablets around in 2013. With reviews of every major tablet, we advise on which model is right for you. TabletWorld's expert reviewers have the latest in-depth reviews and tips for iPad, Nexus, Kindle Fire, Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tab and more. We've got the best full-spec, mini- and kids tablets, as well as expert tips and advice on what to look for when buying your new tablet, and reviews of the hottest apps available for each. If you're looking for a tablet, want to get the best from a device you already own, or are simply interested in the most exciting area of personal computing, TabletWorld is for you.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Tech Advisor TabletWorld 2013.