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Phoenix Scale Modelling Magazine December 2022 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
110 pages of content...

Holden HQ Monaro - Modelling an Australian Motoring Classic - Scott Taylor of The Scale Modelling Supply looks at the new Diecast Distributors Australia 1:24 plastic kit

Spidey Bike - Jezz Coleman builds the 1:12 Tamiya Yamaha YZR-M1 with Crazy Modeller decals

’69 Chevvy - Daniel Croke builds the 1:25 Revell Camaro SS 396

Holidays a Coming – Mark Thomson builds a seasonal AMT Coca Cola Lorry

Centurion on Guard - Lee Powell builds the 1:56 Rubicon Models Mk.5/Mk.5-1

Wartime Duty - Lee Powell takes a look at the recent 1:35 Airfix Austin K2/Y Ambulance as driven by the then Princess Elizabeth in World War II

Supersonic Swallow - James Ashton builds the 1:48 Amusing Hobby Me262 HG III

A Short Starfighter - Jezz Coleman builds the Freedom Models F-104

Stop Or Their Will Be…..Trouble - Ivan Gilbert builds a 1:16 3D printed RoboCop

Talos Awakens - Iwan Hughes pays homage to the 1963 Jason and the Argonauts movie, and the genius of Ray Harryhausen

Little John - Robert Stinchcombe builds the unusual 1:72 Black Dog XP-ARV Mod.268 QT

Broken in Battle - Snorre Sandviken builds the 1:144 Bandai Build Strike Gundam Sei Iori Custom Made Mobile Suit
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Phoenix Scale Modelling

December 2022 DIGITAL EXTRA EDITION 110 pages of content... Holden HQ Monaro - Modelling an Australian Motoring Classic - Scott Taylor of The Scale Modelling Supply looks at the new Diecast Distributors Australia 1:24 plastic kit Spidey Bike - Jezz Coleman builds the 1:12 Tamiya Yamaha YZR-M1 with Crazy Modeller decals ’69 Chevvy - Daniel Croke builds the 1:25 Revell Camaro SS 396 Holidays a Coming – Mark Thomson builds a seasonal AMT Coca Cola Lorry Centurion on Guard - Lee Powell builds the 1:56 Rubicon Models Mk.5/Mk.5-1 Wartime Duty - Lee Powell takes a look at the recent 1:35 Airfix Austin K2/Y Ambulance as driven by the then Princess Elizabeth in World War II Supersonic Swallow - James Ashton builds the 1:48 Amusing Hobby Me262 HG III A Short Starfighter - Jezz Coleman builds the Freedom Models F-104 Stop Or Their Will Be…..Trouble - Ivan Gilbert builds a 1:16 3D printed RoboCop Talos Awakens - Iwan Hughes pays homage to the 1963 Jason and the Argonauts movie, and the genius of Ray Harryhausen Little John - Robert Stinchcombe builds the unusual 1:72 Black Dog XP-ARV Mod.268 QT Broken in Battle - Snorre Sandviken builds the 1:144 Bandai Build Strike Gundam Sei Iori Custom Made Mobile Suit

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Issue Cover

Phoenix Scale Modelling  |  December 2022  

110 pages of content...

Holden HQ Monaro - Modelling an Australian Motoring Classic - Scott Taylor of The Scale Modelling Supply looks at the new Diecast Distributors Australia 1:24 plastic kit

Spidey Bike - Jezz Coleman builds the 1:12 Tamiya Yamaha YZR-M1 with Crazy Modeller decals

’69 Chevvy - Daniel Croke builds the 1:25 Revell Camaro SS 396

Holidays a Coming – Mark Thomson builds a seasonal AMT Coca Cola Lorry

Centurion on Guard - Lee Powell builds the 1:56 Rubicon Models Mk.5/Mk.5-1

Wartime Duty - Lee Powell takes a look at the recent 1:35 Airfix Austin K2/Y Ambulance as driven by the then Princess Elizabeth in World War II

Supersonic Swallow - James Ashton builds the 1:48 Amusing Hobby Me262 HG III

A Short Starfighter - Jezz Coleman builds the Freedom Models F-104

Stop Or Their Will Be…..Trouble - Ivan Gilbert builds a 1:16 3D printed RoboCop

Talos Awakens - Iwan Hughes pays homage to the 1963 Jason and the Argonauts movie, and the genius of Ray Harryhausen

Little John - Robert Stinchcombe builds the unusual 1:72 Black Dog XP-ARV Mod.268 QT

Broken in Battle - Snorre Sandviken builds the 1:144 Bandai Build Strike Gundam Sei Iori Custom Made Mobile Suit
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

With its first issue launching in December 2021, Phoenix Scale Modelling magazine is your new, essential monthly dose of all areas within the field of miniatures. The refreshing, all-encompassing title has already made a stir in the scale modelling field and has established itself as an authority amongst enthusiasts - both new and seasoned. 

Whether it’s automotive models that rev your engine, aircraft scales that set your heart soaring or maritime figures that float your boat - figurines, sci-fi or military - there’s something for everyone in Phoenix Scale Modelling. From the scales you know and love, to the brand new models you’ll have never seen before, there’s no better way to find out everything on the field you’re passionate about than to entirely immerse yourself in the title that covers it all. 

With a multitude of unmissable monthly features including informative how-to guides, features with refreshing takes on the latest issues written by the voices you want to hear from and need-to-know news that will keep you up to date with the world of scale modelling.

Whether you’re new to the scene or a veritable expert, see scale modelling as a hobby or a lifestyle - no matter how much time you invest in your pastime, there is something for everyone in an annual Phoenix Scale Modelling digital magazine subscription - download the latest edition to your device today to get in the know on all things miniature!

A Phoenix Scale Modelling digital magazine subscription is your go-to for all things miniature:

  • An exciting, new scale modelling title 
  • Includes military, sci-fi, fantasy, figures, cars, trucks, ships and aviation
  • How-to guides, news and views from the fascinating field
  • 100 full-colour, feature-rich pages 
  • Builds by some of the most respected names in the business 
  • High-clarity images that look great on your device 
  • Delivered directly to your device every month

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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One of my favorite magazines

I really love the mixture of genres featured, each issue is always jam packed with amazing well built models with some of my favourite modellers featured each month.

Highly recommend grabbing yourself a subscription.
Recensito 13 settembre 2022

Great varied magazine!

Purchased this new magazine and was not disappointed at all, a great range of builds and a pleasure to read, more please! Recensito 06 gennaio 2022

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