Photography Bookazine  |  Canon Advanced Handbook Ninth Edition
Welcome to the Canon Advanced Handbook – your guide to help you master your Canon EOS DSLR and get to grips with the more advanced aspects of photography. If you’ve picked up this handbook, you’re likely to have a decent grasp of how to control your Canon camera, but may still be relying on auto modes to capture a good exposure. In the Camera Skills section, we have a variety of articles to help you break from the auto settings to learn how to use manual modes for better results, as well as the A to Z of the Canon EOS DSLR System, plus top tips on how to make money from your photography. Once you’ve learnt these techniques, turn to the Photo Projects section, packed with fantastic tutorials for you to try. It’s full of inspiring ideas, with simple step-by-step guides. In the third and final section, Camera Workshops, you have a comprehensive 26-part course full of essential photography techniques, and all explained in easy-to-follow lessons.
We hope you enjoy reading this revised edition of the Canon Advanced Handbook. Don’t forget to download your free resources, including video guides and tutorial files. Turn to page 210 for more details.
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