Practical Wireless  |  June 2019
• Keylines - Don reports on his recent activities and reflects on the amateur radio publishing scene
• News - PW’s monthly roundup of news from the UK and internationally
• Valve & Vintage - A rather unusual set
• The 36th Annual Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP Contest - Introducing the 2019 event
• The Radio Communications Foundation - An update on the RCF’s activities
• Carrying on the Practical Way - Designing and building your own antenna rotator
• Trapezing Antennas? Yeh? - A photo diary of how to get a new HF Yagi onto the tower
• The Morse Mode - A fascinating insight into the challenges faced by Morse operators in the early days of trans-oceanic telegraphy
• In the Shop - Reflecting on the trials and tribulations of making ends meet in the electronic retail business
• Kits & Modules - Check your antennas from the comfort of your armchair or shack
• Create Your Own Printed Circuit Boards - How to go about creating your own PCBs
• The World of VHF - A cheap 70cm handheld, some early Es on 6m and more satellite news
• Exploring New Fields - Regarding batteries for portable operation
• Technical for the Terrified - Repairing an aged VSWR meter
• What Next - A look at demonstration, or exhibition, stations
• Introducing the Personal Digital Node for Yaesu Fusion users - An update on Yaesu Fusion developments
• Rallies - Locate a rally or event near you
• Starting Over - Reflecting on the global exchange of ideas
• HF highlights - Our HF specialist has a very full postbag this month
• 23cm, The Next Band Up? (Part 2) - An introduction to the 23cm band, discussing equipment and antennas
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Practical Wireless June 2019.