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Prairies North Magazine Fall 2008 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €6,99
The Assassin Who Came For Dinner -- One weasel breaks its typically anti-social character to entertain its human hosts; Waking Up the Neighbourhood -- Saskatchewan's population is growing and the economy is good. Two pros talk about making our communities better in good times; A Prairie Boy's Dream -- The man behind Lee Valley Tools reveals that he's never left his Saskatchewan roots behind; The New Pioneers -- Breaking new ground is not a thing of the past in our province. Newcomers to Saskatchewan are pioneering new ways to prosper on the prairie; We Said it In '98 -- Did we call the future a decade ago?; Restless Dreams for Gold at Beaver City -- A Saskatchewan gold rush story mined from a forgotten town; From Heart to Hearth -- Baking bread with fire and simple hard work renews deep and cherished memories of prairie community; People of Sod, People of God -- The early Bohemian settlement in Glenside tells a classic pioneer tale; Gifts from Thunder Hill -- Glacial power formed this magnificent hill but there's more to this giant than meets the eye; Wings Over Qu'Appelle Valley -- This beautiful valley reveals its full autumn splendour to the sky; Your Town: Assiniboia; Travelling Shoes; Home Grown Hospitality; Red Fox Exposed.
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Prairies North Magazine

Fall 2008 The Assassin Who Came For Dinner -- One weasel breaks its typically anti-social character to entertain its human hosts; Waking Up the Neighbourhood -- Saskatchewan's population is growing and the economy is good. Two pros talk about making our communities better in good times; A Prairie Boy's Dream -- The man behind Lee Valley Tools reveals that he's never left his Saskatchewan roots behind; The New Pioneers -- Breaking new ground is not a thing of the past in our province. Newcomers to Saskatchewan are pioneering new ways to prosper on the prairie; We Said it In '98 -- Did we call the future a decade ago?; Restless Dreams for Gold at Beaver City -- A Saskatchewan gold rush story mined from a forgotten town; From Heart to Hearth -- Baking bread with fire and simple hard work renews deep and cherished memories of prairie community; People of Sod, People of God -- The early Bohemian settlement in Glenside tells a classic pioneer tale; Gifts from Thunder Hill -- Glacial power formed this magnificent hill but there's more to this giant than meets the eye; Wings Over Qu'Appelle Valley -- This beautiful valley reveals its full autumn splendour to the sky; Your Town: Assiniboia; Travelling Shoes; Home Grown Hospitality; Red Fox Exposed.

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Issue Cover

Prairies North Magazine  |  Fall 2008  

The Assassin Who Came For Dinner -- One weasel breaks its typically anti-social character to entertain its human hosts; Waking Up the Neighbourhood -- Saskatchewan's population is growing and the economy is good. Two pros talk about making our communities better in good times; A Prairie Boy's Dream -- The man behind Lee Valley Tools reveals that he's never left his Saskatchewan roots behind; The New Pioneers -- Breaking new ground is not a thing of the past in our province. Newcomers to Saskatchewan are pioneering new ways to prosper on the prairie; We Said it In '98 -- Did we call the future a decade ago?; Restless Dreams for Gold at Beaver City -- A Saskatchewan gold rush story mined from a forgotten town; From Heart to Hearth -- Baking bread with fire and simple hard work renews deep and cherished memories of prairie community; People of Sod, People of God -- The early Bohemian settlement in Glenside tells a classic pioneer tale; Gifts from Thunder Hill -- Glacial power formed this magnificent hill but there's more to this giant than meets the eye; Wings Over Qu'Appelle Valley -- This beautiful valley reveals its full autumn splendour to the sky; Your Town: Assiniboia; Travelling Shoes; Home Grown Hospitality; Red Fox Exposed.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Let Saskatchewan's own award-winning geographic magazine introduce you to the region's people and places with stunning photography and engaging stories. Whether you are from here or away, Prairies North will take you on a surprising voyage through the beautiful province that many are proud to call home.
In addition to treating your eyes to beautiful images of the prairie, you will learn about our history, marvel at our abundant wildlife, meet our hospitable people, and gather ideas for your own journey in our safe, friendly, and fun province. Use Prairies North to plan a tour and discover for yourself why this is a region not to be missed.

Each quarterly issue is published with the seasons to take you through a full year of adventure.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
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Prairies North review

Loved this mag when I was based in Canada and loved exploring the Canadian Prairies. Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

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