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Prevention Magazine October 2013 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Women's Fitness)
Create your slimmest, strongest, healthiest body, just in time for summer! Everything you need is in the October issue of Prevention. Walk off 10 kilos, burn fat faster and up your energy levels (in just 30 minutes a day) with our simple, science-backed plan. Eat well and shop smarter with Prevention's first Clean Eating Awards, as we reveal the 100 best packaged foods (everything from cereal, bread and milk to sauces and snack bars). Discover the calm every woman craves, with our exclusive report on the new energy medicine. Plus, Sonia Kruger shares the simple reasons she feels happier and more confident than ever at the age of 48 in our exclusive cover story.
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October 2013 Create your slimmest, strongest, healthiest body, just in time for summer! Everything you need is in the October issue of Prevention. Walk off 10 kilos, burn fat faster and up your energy levels (in just 30 minutes a day) with our simple, science-backed plan. Eat well and shop smarter with Prevention's first Clean Eating Awards, as we reveal the 100 best packaged foods (everything from cereal, bread and milk to sauces and snack bars). Discover the calm every woman craves, with our exclusive report on the new energy medicine. Plus, Sonia Kruger shares the simple reasons she feels happier and more confident than ever at the age of 48 in our exclusive cover story.

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Issue Cover

Prevention  |  October 2013  

Create your slimmest, strongest, healthiest body, just in time for summer! Everything you need is in the October issue of Prevention. Walk off 10 kilos, burn fat faster and up your energy levels (in just 30 minutes a day) with our simple, science-backed plan. Eat well and shop smarter with Prevention's first Clean Eating Awards, as we reveal the 100 best packaged foods (everything from cereal, bread and milk to sauces and snack bars). Discover the calm every woman craves, with our exclusive report on the new energy medicine. Plus, Sonia Kruger shares the simple reasons she feels happier and more confident than ever at the age of 48 in our exclusive cover story.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Prevention inspires, informs and empowers Australian women to stay healthier, be happier and live longer. Prevention’s unrivalled credentials make it a trusted source for the latest health breakthroughs, news and information in all areas of healthy living. Prevention engages women with its expert advice, real life stories and tips on health, weight loss, fitness, mind and brain fitness, nutrition and anti-ageing beauty. It’s also the destination for healthy and delicious recipes and smart new ways to lose weight.
Australia's first healthy lifestyle magazine for women 40+, Prevention is tailor-made to help you live the best years of your life, and is packed with easy, actionable tips you can use right now.
Prevention is passionate about helping women to live well and love their whole life!
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