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Professional Photo Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Professional Photo magazine targets the whole territory of professional photography and has a particularly strong affinity with those working in the wedding, portrait and event markets.

With a readership that consists of full-time professionals, part-time pros and those aspiring to break into the market, the title concentrates on money-making ideas, essential marketing tips and advice from seasoned experts who are happy to pass on their experience. You'll also find regular reviews of the latest pro gear included every month, plus features on high-end technique which are designed to boost the skill set of the working professional.
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Professional Photo

Issue 215 Issue 215 is out now We’ve got a classic portrait of film star Robert Downey Junior shot by Rankin gracing our cover this month, which ties in neatly to our fly-on-the-wall report on RankinLive. Here members of the public were given the opportunity to book a session with this most high-profile of photographers, the twist being that the shoot would be taking place in the very public space of a shop window in Carnaby Street! Find out more about how it all came together in our exclusive report, and we’ve also caught up with master National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry who is telling us more about his latest book. Entitled Devotion, it features images of subjects who follow a particular passion in their lives that have been sourced from Steve’s more than 40-year career, and the he tells us why he considers it to be one of the most important projects he’s ever worked on. Also in this issue we’re reporting on one photographer’s sense of loss following the felling of the famous tree at Sycamore Gap, and we’re also hearing from Paul Wilkinson about how he got back behind a drum kit for the first time in decades to record with some friends, and then had the task of shooting the image for the sleeve of the resulting EP with just an hour to pull everything together! On the technical front the experts at CVP are filling us in on what it was like to have shooting time with a pre-production model of the exciting new Sony A9 III, with its revolutionary global shutter, while we’ve also got the full frame Blackmagic Cine Camera 6K on the testbench, and Andy Kruczek is shooting a full-scale model session using Rotolight’s impressive all-weather Anova PRO 3. Another great mix of stories in other words, so feel free to dive in and take a look around!

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Issue Cover

Professional Photo  |  Issue 215  

Issue 215 is out now
We’ve got a classic portrait of film star Robert Downey Junior shot by Rankin gracing our cover this month, which ties in neatly to our fly-on-the-wall report on RankinLive. Here members of the public were given the opportunity to book a session with this most high-profile of photographers, the twist being that the shoot would be taking place in the very public space of a shop window in Carnaby Street! Find out more about how it all came together in our exclusive report, and we’ve also caught up with master National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry who is telling us more about his latest book. Entitled Devotion, it features images of subjects who follow a particular passion in their lives that have been sourced from Steve’s more than 40-year career, and the he tells us why he considers it to be one of the most important projects he’s ever worked on. Also in this issue we’re reporting on one photographer’s sense of loss following the felling of the famous tree at Sycamore Gap, and we’re also hearing from Paul Wilkinson about how he got back behind a drum kit for the first time in decades to record with some friends, and then had the task of shooting the image for the sleeve of the resulting EP with just an hour to pull everything together!
On the technical front the experts at CVP are filling us in on what it was like to have shooting time with a pre-production model of the exciting new Sony A9 III, with its revolutionary global shutter, while we’ve also got the full frame Blackmagic Cine Camera 6K on the testbench, and Andy Kruczek is shooting a full-scale model session using Rotolight’s impressive all-weather Anova PRO 3. Another great mix of stories in other words, so feel free to dive in and take a look around!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Professional Photo magazine targets the whole territory of professional photography and has a particularly strong affinity with those working in the wedding, portrait and event markets.

With a readership that consists of full-time professionals, part-time pros and those aspiring to break into the market, the title concentrates on money-making ideas, essential marketing tips and advice from seasoned experts who are happy to pass on their experience. You'll also find regular reviews of the latest pro gear included every month, plus features on high-end technique which are designed to boost the skill set of the working professional.

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