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Aviation & Transport

Race Tech Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
RACE TECH magazine is the only independent technology led motorsport magazine that focuses on every aspect of racing car engineering. Totally international in its outlook, it covers everything that can be found competing on the track from Formula One to the Clubman's single seaters, from NASCAR to the Silver Crown cars and from sports racing cars to the weekend hillclimb specials.

RACE TECH is an indispensable publication for everyone involved in the motorsport industry from engineers to technicians, team managers to drivers, from aerodynamicists to designers as well as to the serious enthusiast who wishes to be better involved.
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Race Tech

Issue 251 POWERTRAIN PERIL!: Experts warn why we must avoid short-term thinking in quest for sustainable future HERE COMES HYDROGEN: Chris Ellis explains why the growing momentum across different industries is making hydrogen impossible to ignore in motorsport THE WILDEST BENTLEY EVER: Hal Ridge talks to the project leader of the team behind the most extreme road-going Bentley ever built GREEN TECH: Chris Pickering discovers how a 100% renewable fuel – made with wine residues from the French agricultural industry – will dramatically reduce cars’ CO2 emissions at next year’s Le Mans 24 Hours POWER TECH: When BMW announced its exit from Formula E, it suggested it had exhausted the opportunities the series offered for technology transfer. So now, after its farewell in Berlin, what did the manufacturer really learn? Chris Pickering investigates ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: The range of applications for additive manufacturing is expanding fast. Chris Pickering talks to Kevin Baughey, segment leader for transportation and motorsports at 3D Systems, to find out more

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Issue Cover

Race Tech  |  Issue 251  

POWERTRAIN PERIL!: Experts warn why we must avoid short-term thinking in quest for sustainable future

HERE COMES HYDROGEN: Chris Ellis explains why the growing momentum across different industries is making hydrogen impossible to ignore in motorsport

THE WILDEST BENTLEY EVER: Hal Ridge talks to the project leader of the team behind the most extreme road-going Bentley ever built

GREEN TECH: Chris Pickering discovers how a 100% renewable fuel – made with wine residues from the French agricultural industry – will dramatically reduce cars’ CO2 emissions at next year’s Le Mans 24 Hours

POWER TECH: When BMW announced its exit from Formula E, it suggested it had exhausted the opportunities the series offered for technology transfer. So now, after its farewell in Berlin, what did the manufacturer really learn? Chris Pickering investigates

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: The range of applications for additive manufacturing is expanding fast. Chris Pickering talks to Kevin Baughey, segment leader for transportation and motorsports at 3D Systems, to find out more
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
RACE TECH magazine is the only independent technology led motorsport magazine that focuses on every aspect of racing car engineering. Totally international in its outlook, it covers everything that can be found competing on the track from Formula One to the Clubman's single seaters, from NASCAR to the Silver Crown cars and from sports racing cars to the weekend hillclimb specials.

RACE TECH is an indispensable publication for everyone involved in the motorsport industry from engineers to technicians, team managers to drivers, from aerodynamicists to designers as well as to the serious enthusiast who wishes to be better involved.

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