Rapid  |  Issue#89 May 2014
Grab yourself a copy of Rapid Bikes issue #89 with Australia’s first road tests on the new BMW S 1000 R, plus the KTM 1290 Super Duke R! We test the 390 Duke and look at the re-launched Brough Superior SS100.
Tweaked features include one of the craziest fighters we’ve seen – a supercharged SV1000 streetfighter, a stunning Blueprint Engineering CBR600RR ‘Fighter, and a stripped back Transformers inspired GSX-R ‘Fighter.
In Tech Tips we fit an aftermarket screen, while the Engine Rebuilding Workshop continues with the second installment. And of course all the regulars such as Flipped and ET and all the regular columns.
In the Knee Down track section you will find columns by Steve Brouggy, Remy Gardner, Andrew Pitt, Bryan Staring and Emma Bailey. We cover the FX300 Ninja Cup in Getting Started, chat with Heath Griffin in Racer Profile and Jeff rides Shawn Giles’s awesome #19 Katana. Plus all the latest news in our On Track section!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Rapid Issue#89 May 2014.