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Retro Gamer Magazine Issue 237 Edizione posteriore

78 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
Only €5,99
The Evolution Of: Donkey Kong Country
Esteemed developers from Rare and Retro Studios recall the history behind Nintendo’s popular platforming series

The Making Of: Demon Attack Discover how Rob Fulop left Atari to craft this meticulous shoot-’em-up.

The Making Of: Circus Paul Drury quizzes Howell Ivy on his interesting arcade game that channelled all the excitement of the Big Top.

So You Want To Collect… Amstrad CPC 464 Games David Crookes likes the CPC 464 even more than Darran does and he’s amassed an essential guide for you.

Retro Gamer’s Favourite… Weird Character Names Do you find names fascinating? Nick does and he’s highlighted some of the more stranger ones for a new feature.

Lost In Translation
Nickipedia is back and this month he’s got another selection of games that were altered for overseas audiences.

The History Of: Screamer Milestone’s Screamer series was immensely popular with PC gamers and Damiano Gerli is here to explain how it all happened.
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Retro Gamer

Issue 237 FEATURED The Evolution Of: Donkey Kong Country Esteemed developers from Rare and Retro Studios recall the history behind Nintendo’s popular platforming series The Making Of: Demon Attack Discover how Rob Fulop left Atari to craft this meticulous shoot-’em-up. The Making Of: Circus Paul Drury quizzes Howell Ivy on his interesting arcade game that channelled all the excitement of the Big Top. So You Want To Collect… Amstrad CPC 464 Games David Crookes likes the CPC 464 even more than Darran does and he’s amassed an essential guide for you. Retro Gamer’s Favourite… Weird Character Names Do you find names fascinating? Nick does and he’s highlighted some of the more stranger ones for a new feature. Lost In Translation Nickipedia is back and this month he’s got another selection of games that were altered for overseas audiences. The History Of: Screamer Milestone’s Screamer series was immensely popular with PC gamers and Damiano Gerli is here to explain how it all happened.

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Basato su 78 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great Mag

Great mag covering video games 20 years prior and beyond. Featuring an array of interviews with developers you simply won't find elsewhere along with articles shining a spotlight on both popular as well as lesser known and more obscure titles along the way. The mag hit the 20 year mark not too long ago so here's hoping to at least another 20 years.

- Father Sunglasses
Recensito 24 luglio 2024

Retro Gamer

It is the best magazine of its kind. Recensito 21 agosto 2020

Retro Gamer

great content Recensito 17 agosto 2020

Retro Gamer

I simply love this magazine! I wish I could buy more back issues. Recensito 30 luglio 2020

Retro Gamer

The best magazine for retro gaming enthusiasts. Full of info and memories! Recensito 17 aprile 2020
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