Skeptic  |  2.2
Skeptical Perspectives: The Unlikeliest Cult in History; Waco, Jonestown and All That Madness; Millennium Watch: Cults, Brainwashing and Society; The Jesus Cults; The Resurrection Myth; Was Christianity a Cult?; Realism and Religion: A Physicist Examines the Basis for Belief;
Far Out Inc.; UFO Testing Ground; UFO Abduction Insurance; Nickola Tesla; Mars Face; Psychic Lotto Scam; Wall Street Astrology; Russian New Age; Kongo Spiritualism; Biosphere 2 Baloney?; False Memory Debate; Creationism Again; Read’n, Writ’n, and Witch’n?; Randi Exposes Street Scam; Skeptic Expands; Math Wizard Lectures; Save $3,500; Science Fair Success; Phony Archaeology Revisited; Sun Pictures Responds to Ark Hoax; 25 Creationists Arguments and 25 Evolutionists Answers; Books and Articles of Interest: Leakey Luck; Dilettante Genius; Law of Unintended Consequences; Misreading Darwin ; Images of Science Snake Handlers and Flood Geologists
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