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Skeptic Magazine 26.2 Edizione posteriore

280 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €6,99
DMT and the Nature of Reality: Are the Entities and Experiences of a DMT Drug Trip Real or Imagined?

Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno, and Scientific Martyrdom • Lizard People, 5G and the Nashville Bomber • Why Weird Beliefs Are a Normal, Central, Almost Universal Aspect of Human Affairs • Astrology as a Spiritual Belief System • How Science Can Explain Ghosts and Haunted Houses • Trial, Error, and Success: How People Learn and Think

The SkepDoc: Mark Twain and Alternative Medicine, by Harriet Hall, M.D.

Twenty-five Fallacies in the Case for Christianity

Cognitive Dissonance
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26.2 COVER ARTICLE DMT and the Nature of Reality: Are the Entities and Experiences of a DMT Drug Trip Real or Imagined? ARTICLES Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno, and Scientific Martyrdom • Lizard People, 5G and the Nashville Bomber • Why Weird Beliefs Are a Normal, Central, Almost Universal Aspect of Human Affairs • Astrology as a Spiritual Belief System • How Science Can Explain Ghosts and Haunted Houses • Trial, Error, and Success: How People Learn and Think COLUMNS The SkepDoc: Mark Twain and Alternative Medicine, by Harriet Hall, M.D. EXCERPT Twenty-five Fallacies in the Case for Christianity JUNIOR SKEPTIC Cognitive Dissonance

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Issue Cover

Skeptic  |  26.2  

DMT and the Nature of Reality: Are the Entities and Experiences of a DMT Drug Trip Real or Imagined?

Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno, and Scientific Martyrdom • Lizard People, 5G and the Nashville Bomber • Why Weird Beliefs Are a Normal, Central, Almost Universal Aspect of Human Affairs • Astrology as a Spiritual Belief System • How Science Can Explain Ghosts and Haunted Houses • Trial, Error, and Success: How People Learn and Think

The SkepDoc: Mark Twain and Alternative Medicine, by Harriet Hall, M.D.

Twenty-five Fallacies in the Case for Christianity

Cognitive Dissonance
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Basato su 280 Recensioni dei clienti
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I like that even no scientists (like me) can read the articles. Recensito 07 dicembre 2020


keeping me saner
Recensito 06 dicembre 2020


My father used to write for the Skeptic. I just can't seem to get into the writing anymore. Recensito 06 settembre 2020


I still miss moderated comment in the form of letters to the magazine. Recensito 11 marzo 2020


Excellent and balanced coverage of a wide variety of topics Recensito 08 marzo 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Skeptic 26.2.

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Skeptic 26.4 26.4 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Skeptic 26.3 26.3 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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