SkyNews  |  March/April 2022
SPECIAL ISSUE: Explore the cosmos from all across Canada in this special issue about travel!
Gorgeous skies stretch across wide swaths of the country, and we've created a shortlist of favourite spots for Canadian observers. Whether you're on an intergalactic adventure or trying to check the northern lights off your bucket list, we've got you covered. We'll even give you advice on what to pack, with a feature on astrophotography travel kits and a review of a new Canadian apochromatic refractor telescope.
Learn about the best sights to pursue when you look up with this season and beyond. There are articles focusing on Solar System and deep-sky highlights this spring, as well as a special piece about the all-season splendours of the northern night sky.
Have you always wanted to see another world? Visit Solar System doppelgangers around North America with a planetary scientist, who points out the places on Earth that look like Mars, Io, Venus, Europa, Titan and even Pluto.
PLUS: We have an extra special column this issue, as Canadian astronaut Roberta Bondar writes about her focus on Earth after her journey to space.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in SkyNews March/April 2022.