Steam Days  |  December 2013
Trains of Thought
A Peek at ‘The Peak’
With standard gauge routes of Midland, L&NWR, and MS&LR origin, plus a North Staffordshire Railway link and even the narrow gauge Leek & Manifold Railway, Ray Hollis gives a personal overview of the Peak District’s ‘Dales and Rails’.
STEAM DAYS in Colour
108: North-East Scotland in the 1950s and 1960s
We delve into the photographic library of the Great North of Scotland Railway Association to depict the BR steam scene in North-East Scotland, including some classic infrastructure, as well as the Aberdeen Gas Works industrial scene.
Life before Preservation – Former L&SWR Classes
Andrew Wilson looks at the life and times of the twelve former L&SWR engines that are now preserved, with more than 46 years of evolution between completion of the Beattie Well Tanks and the birth of the now-preserved Urie ‘S15s’.
Hereford Motive Power Depot,
its sub-sheds and their duties in the 1960s 781 Providing the motive power for the busy rail centre of Hereford – strategically located between South Wales, the north-west, and the West Midlands, and with two branch lines, Steve Bartlett recalls the activity of a clutch of Welsh Border sheds.
Tail Lamp – Readers’ Letters
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Steam Days December 2013.