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Tabletop Gaming Magazine August 2024 [#93] Edizione posteriore

83 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
Only €9,99


Maybe it’s the run of sporting events that’s made us feel particularly competitive, but tabletop games are the perfect host to a little bit of competition… or a lot, as it might be! We’re speaking to everyone from the World Series of Board Gaming about their annual event in Las Vegas, to Modiphius Co-founder about replacing competition with cooperation. However you feel about the race to first place, we’ve got something between these pages for you.

What’s in this issue:
• THE BEST IN TOURNAMENTS: Where best to show of your board gaming prowess?
• HEAD TO HEAD: What’re the best games to heat up the competition with your fellow player? Find out here
• WHY ARE COMPETITIONS IMPORTANT? Will Shick shares the ethos behind how and why Atomic Mass Games run tournaments the way they do
• A NEW ERA: An interview with Star Wars Unlimited Designer, John Leo
• TOP REVIEWS: Three must play games, and tons more to grace your shelves
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Tabletop Gaming

August 2024 [#93] IN THIS ISSUE THE SPIRIT OF COMPETITION Maybe it’s the run of sporting events that’s made us feel particularly competitive, but tabletop games are the perfect host to a little bit of competition… or a lot, as it might be! We’re speaking to everyone from the World Series of Board Gaming about their annual event in Las Vegas, to Modiphius Co-founder about replacing competition with cooperation. However you feel about the race to first place, we’ve got something between these pages for you. What’s in this issue: • THE BEST IN TOURNAMENTS: Where best to show of your board gaming prowess? • HEAD TO HEAD: What’re the best games to heat up the competition with your fellow player? Find out here • WHY ARE COMPETITIONS IMPORTANT? Will Shick shares the ethos behind how and why Atomic Mass Games run tournaments the way they do • A NEW ERA: An interview with Star Wars Unlimited Designer, John Leo • TOP REVIEWS: Three must play games, and tons more to grace your shelves

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Issue Cover

Tabletop Gaming  |  August 2024 [#93]  



Maybe it’s the run of sporting events that’s made us feel particularly competitive, but tabletop games are the perfect host to a little bit of competition… or a lot, as it might be! We’re speaking to everyone from the World Series of Board Gaming about their annual event in Las Vegas, to Modiphius Co-founder about replacing competition with cooperation. However you feel about the race to first place, we’ve got something between these pages for you.

What’s in this issue:
• THE BEST IN TOURNAMENTS: Where best to show of your board gaming prowess?
• HEAD TO HEAD: What’re the best games to heat up the competition with your fellow player? Find out here
• WHY ARE COMPETITIONS IMPORTANT? Will Shick shares the ethos behind how and why Atomic Mass Games run tournaments the way they do
• A NEW ERA: An interview with Star Wars Unlimited Designer, John Leo
• TOP REVIEWS: Three must play games, and tons more to grace your shelves
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Tabletop Gaming is the UK’s no.1 magazine dedicated to board gaming, miniatures, RPGs, trading cards and card games. With tons of reviews of new releases each month you’ll never be in the dark about what you should play next. Immerse yourself in the world of tabletop gaming every single month with the latest news, previews and reviews, deep dives into how games are made and exclusive interviews with world famous designers. Enjoy Tabletop Gaming Magazine on the go when you subscribe with a digital subscription.

Extra digital content is available only with the digital edition including exclusive images, videos, podcasts and more! PLUS, with a specially designed mobile edition, wave goodbye to zooming and say hello to night reading mode, adjustable text size and accessing all things gaming at the touch of your fingertips.

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Basato su 83 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Bright Reading

Really interesting for all types of games Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Tabletop Gaming Annual

Tabletop Gaming Annual lot of good tips and ideas. Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Tabletop Gaming

Whilst the best games series are useful, they include a number of games that were rated as average or even poor. Recensito 24 ottobre 2020

Waste of 6$ - if you're here for painting tips.

Bought this for the Dungeon Depths terrain guide; the site makes it look like it'll be a step by step to really making these pop, but it turns out to be barely 4 pages of 3 or 4 progression images and barely a sentence of guide for each. Not only this, but there's barely a discussion of most of the terrain, getting the OSL shown on the main pic, or really anything else.

Gave it a 3 cuz it'd be unfair to give it a 1 since I only cared about the painting bits.
Recensito 03 febbraio 2020

Fantastic magazine

There are so few good tabletop gaming magazines being published today, which is strange, considering the resurgence in traditional gaming. Aside from the 3 popular miniature war gaming magazines, there's a serious lack of magazine style content for serious board gamers. So it was with much anticipation that I looked forward to the publication of Tabletop Gaming last year, which promised broad coverage of ALL types of tabletop games (board, card, minis games). It has not disappointed. Besides lavish visuals, the magazine offers dozens of quick-hitting game reviews, combined with some in-depth interviews of companies and game designers, and features on hot games. It's a fun read and highly recommended. I've just re-upped my subscription for another year. Keep up the good work guys! Recensito 06 giugno 2016

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