We really enjoyed Mansions of Madness’ app-powered second edition when we reviewed it last issue, but noted that for a game that comes within a few quid of the £100 mark, there should really be more than four scenarios.
On that point, here’s some good news and bad news. The good news is that Fantasy Flight has announced the first boxed expansion for Mansions’ second edition, Beyond the Threshold, which will include two new original scenarios. The Gates of Silverwood Manor is a hunt to explain a series of mysterious disappearances, while Vengeful Impulses takes place during a dinner party full of suspicious guests up to no good; Agatha Christie would be proud. The bad news? Well, you’re obviously going to have to pay for it, silly. We’re not sure of a price tag yet, but hopefully the cost will be worth it. As well as the two extra missions, Beyond the Threshold will come with two new investigators – handyman Wilson Richards and shaman Akachi Onyele – and a new Lovecraftian monstrosity to contend with, the Thrall. All three characters will be represented in miniature form, plus their respective cards.
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