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The Natural Parent Magazine 52 - Spring 2023 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Parenting)
Only €3,49
As the weeks seemingly whizz by, it is important to pause and take time to enjoy the present and embrace the season you are in. Whether you are deep in the parenting trenches or yet to meet the new addition to your family, try to really take in these special times. Adrienne Wood has written a beautiful article about resentment vs gratitude: how easy it is to become resentful when dealing with life’s challenges, until it spirals to the point it affects your health and wellbeing. She talks about the power of learning gratitude and how it “calms your entire nervous system, helping you feel more content about your life”. Laura Markham has put together some helpful tips for parents navigating defiance with their children. She explains that overreacting only escalates the battle, creating resistance, and she provides an age-by-age guide on how to approach the issue, using connection, not punishment. Tracy Gillett has written a wonderful article about the changing nature of intimacy as you navigate new parenthood and co-sleeping. She talks about how “nothing tests a marriage like having children”, yet it can also be a time “where love is rekindled and deepened in a more meaningful way”. She also includes some practical tips to navigate the transition. We have some delicious, simple recipe ideas to try with your children – cookie dough bliss balls, chocolate banana avocado pops and a delicious nourish bowl for the whole family to enjoy. Sending love, good health and happiness to you and your families. Love from the TNP Team xxx
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The Natural Parent Magazine

52 - Spring 2023 As the weeks seemingly whizz by, it is important to pause and take time to enjoy the present and embrace the season you are in. Whether you are deep in the parenting trenches or yet to meet the new addition to your family, try to really take in these special times. Adrienne Wood has written a beautiful article about resentment vs gratitude: how easy it is to become resentful when dealing with life’s challenges, until it spirals to the point it affects your health and wellbeing. She talks about the power of learning gratitude and how it “calms your entire nervous system, helping you feel more content about your life”. Laura Markham has put together some helpful tips for parents navigating defiance with their children. She explains that overreacting only escalates the battle, creating resistance, and she provides an age-by-age guide on how to approach the issue, using connection, not punishment. Tracy Gillett has written a wonderful article about the changing nature of intimacy as you navigate new parenthood and co-sleeping. She talks about how “nothing tests a marriage like having children”, yet it can also be a time “where love is rekindled and deepened in a more meaningful way”. She also includes some practical tips to navigate the transition. We have some delicious, simple recipe ideas to try with your children – cookie dough bliss balls, chocolate banana avocado pops and a delicious nourish bowl for the whole family to enjoy. Sending love, good health and happiness to you and your families. Love from the TNP Team xxx

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Issue Cover

The Natural Parent Magazine  |  52 - Spring 2023  

As the weeks seemingly whizz by, it is important to pause and take time to enjoy the present and embrace the season you are in. Whether you are deep in the parenting trenches or yet to meet the new addition to your family, try to really take in these special times. Adrienne Wood has written a beautiful article about resentment vs gratitude: how easy it is to become resentful when dealing with life’s challenges, until it spirals to the point it affects your health and wellbeing. She talks about the power of learning gratitude and how it “calms your entire nervous system, helping you feel more content about your life”. Laura Markham has put together some helpful tips for parents navigating defiance with their children. She explains that overreacting only escalates the battle, creating resistance, and she provides an age-by-age guide on how to approach the issue, using connection, not punishment. Tracy Gillett has written a wonderful article about the changing nature of intimacy as you navigate new parenthood and co-sleeping. She talks about how “nothing tests a marriage like having children”, yet it can also be a time “where love is rekindled and deepened in a more meaningful way”. She also includes some practical tips to navigate the transition. We have some delicious, simple recipe ideas to try with your children – cookie dough bliss balls, chocolate banana avocado pops and a delicious nourish bowl for the whole family to enjoy. Sending love, good health and happiness to you and your families. Love from the TNP Team xxx
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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Interesting Read for Those Planning Natural Birth

Interesting Read for Those Planning Natural Birth Recensito 19 giugno 2020

A great parenting magazine

I really enjoy this magazine as it gives a lot of really practical tips for raising my two boys. Parenting can be really hard at times and this magazine helps to make it a lot easier! Recensito 24 settembre 2014

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